Introduction to the JPIC Issue: Social Inequality: Impact on School, Youth, and Families.

TitleIntroduction to the JPIC Issue: Social Inequality: Impact on School, Youth, and Families.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKleyman, KS, Hazel, KL
JournalJ Prev Interv Community
Date Published2019 Oct-Dec
KeywordsAdolescent, Educational Status, Family, Humans, Income, Schools, Socioeconomic Factors, Vulnerable Populations

In the current paper, we introduce a special issue on Social Inequalities, and the papers which contribute to our understanding of social inequalities and the role of communities in further addressing or preventing said inequalities. The papers in the issue show that to effectively address and prevent inequalities, it is important to understand the complex community factors, such as economic, access to resources, and the nature of disadvantaged groups, particularly within the context of youth, families, and education.

Alternate JournalJ Prev Interv Community
PubMed ID31545161