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Lee S, Allison T, O'Neill D, Punch P, Helitzer E, Moss H. Integrative review of singing and music interventions for family carers of people living with dementia. Health Promot Int. 2022 ;37(Supplement_1):i49-i61.
Rego S, Hoban H, Outram S, Zamora AN, Chen F, Sahin-Hodoglugil N, Anguiano B, Norstad M, Yip T, Lianoglou B, et al. Perspectives and preferences regarding genomic secondary findings in underrepresented prenatal and pediatric populations: A mixed-methods approach. Genet Med. 2022 ;24(6):1206-1216.
Swanson K, Sparks TN, Lianoglou BR, Chen F, Downum S, Patel S, Rego S, Yip T, Van Ziffle J, Koenig BA, et al. Preference for secondary findings in prenatal and pediatric exome sequencing. Prenat Diagn. 2022 ;42(6):753-761.
Santoyo-Olsson J, Lorig K, Romo EMacias, Luzanilla M, Ramirez GAguayo, Cheng J, Chesla C, Covinsky KE, Karliner L, Thompson DGallagher, et al. Study protocol for a hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial of the Building Better Caregivers online workshop for rural family/friend caregivers of people living with dementia. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 ;121:106903.
Flores DV, Rote S, Angel J, Chen N-W, Downer B, Markides K. Depressive symptoms in child caregivers of very old Mexican Americans. Aging Ment Health. 2021 ;25(1):61-67.
Xu J, Liu P-J, Beach S. Multiple Caregivers, Many Minds: Family Discord and Caregiver Outcomes. Gerontologist. 2021 ;61(5):661-669.
Halifax E, Bui NMinh, Hunt LJ, Stephens CE. Transitioning to Life in a Nursing Home: The Potential Role of Palliative Care. J Palliat Care. 2021 ;36(1):61-65.
Zmora R, Statz TL, Birkeland RW, McCarron HR, Finlay JM, Rosebush CE, Gaugler JE. Transitioning to Long-Term Care: Family Caregiver Experiences of Dementia, Communities, and Counseling. J Aging Health. 2021 ;33(1-2):133-146.
Yu Z, Bowers B. "Everything Is Greyscaled": Immigrant Women's Experiences of Postpartum Distress. Qual Health Res. 2020 ;30(9):1445-1461.
Curme P, Schwieters K, Kleyman KS. From leave it to beaver to modern family: The influence of family structure on adoption attitudes. J Prev Interv Community. 2020 ;48(4):365-381.
Roenn-Smidt H, Shim JK, Larsen K, Hindhede AL. Hysteresis - or the mismatch of expectations and possibilities among relatives in a transforming health care system. Health Sociol Rev. 2020 ;29(1):31-44.
Kleyman KS, Hazel KL. Introduction to the JPIC Issue: Social Inequality: Impact on School, Youth, and Families. J Prev Interv Community. 2019 ;47(4):275-278.
H Versey S. Managing work and family: Do control strategies help?. Dev Psychol. 2015 ;51(11):1672-81.