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- AMA Journal of Ethics - What might it mean to embrace emancipatory pedagogy in medical education?
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Select Publications by Carroll L. Estes
Professional Sociology / Gerontology
- The decision-makers: the power structure of Dallas (1963)
- The aging enterprise: a critical examination of social policies and services for the aged (1979)
- Toward a sociology of political gerontology (1979)
- Symbolic interaction and social policy analysis (1981)
- Systemic crisis and the nonprofit sector: toward a political economy of the nonprofit health and social services sector (1990)
- New political economy of aging (1991)
- Sociological and economic theories of markets and nonprofits: evidence from home health organizations (1992)
- The politics of ageing in America (2008)
- The future of aging services in a neoliberal political economy (2014)
Policy Sociology / Gerontology
- Barriers to effective community planning for the elderly (1973)
- Community planning for the elderly: a study of goal displacement (1974)
- Austerity and aging in the United States: 1980 and beyond (1982)
- Fiscal austerity and aging: shifting government responsibility for the elderly (1983)
- Social Security: the social construction of a crisis (1983)
- Social Security privatization and older women: a feminist political economy perspective (2004)
- The non-profit sector and community-based care for the elderly in the U.S.: a disappearing resource? (1986)
- The long term care crisis: elders trapped in the no-care zone (1993)
- The political economy perspective on frontline workers in long-term care (1994)
- Devolution and aging policy: racing to the bottom in long-term care (1997)
- Aging, health, and social policy: crisis and crossroads (2008)
Critical Sociology / Gerontology
- Readings in the political economy of aging (1984)
- The biomedicalization of aging: dangers and dilemmas (1989)
- Medicalization, public policy and the elderly: social services in jeopardy? (1990)
- Critical perspectives on aging: the political and moral economy of growing old (1990)
- Toward a political economy of the nonprofit health and social services sector (1990)
- The Reagan legacy: privatization, the welfare state and aging in the 1990s (1991)
- Dominant and competing paradigms in gerontology: toward a political economy of ageing (2008)
- The right to work and the right to retire: a political economy perspective on precarity (2019)
Public Sociology / Gerontology
- Health of the elderly: policy issues and challenges (1984)
- The aging enterprise: in whose interests? (1986)
- The retreat of the state and its transfer of responsibility: the intergenerational war (1988)
- The gerontological imagination: social influences on the development of gerontology, 1945-present (1992)
- Social justice and social insurance: Social Security, Medicare, and the campaign against entitlements (2009)
- The economic meltdown and old age politics (2009)
- Breaking the Social Security glass ceiling: a proposal to modernize women's benefits (2012)
- Older U.S. women's economic security, health, and empowerment: the fight against opponents of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (2017)
- Creating a new old San Francisco with Nicholas DiCarlo (2018)
- Women's rights, women's status, women's resistance in the age of Trump (2017-2018)
- Aging A-Z: concepts toward emancipatory gerontology (2019)
- A life in sociology: the political economy of aging with Dr. Carroll Estes (2020)
- Precarity, USA (2021)