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Kaki DA, Bridi L, Mwendwa P, Aso M, Behnam R, Bencheikh N, Albahsahli B, Khan X, Aljenabi R, Sideman ABernstein, et al. Attitudes Towards Dementia Among a Diverse Group of Refugees Resettled in the United States. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2025 ;38(2):132-142.
Rosas LG, Chen S, Xiao L, Baiocchi M, Ng E, Emmert-Aronson BO, Chen W-T, Thompson-Lastad A, Martinez E, Perez J, et al. The Effectiveness of Recipe4Health: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. Am J Prev Med. 2025 ;68(2):377-390.
Hollister B, Crabb R, Areán P. Comparative Effectiveness of Clinician- Versus Peer-Supported Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults With Depression. Psychiatr Serv. 2024 ;75(9):925-928.
Thompson-Lastad A, Harrison JM, Taiwo TKhemet, Williams C, Parimi M, Wilborn B, Chao MT. Postpartum care for parent-infant dyads: A community midwifery model. Birth. 2024 ;51(3):637-648.
Sideman ABernstein, Nguyen HQ, Langer-Gould A, Lee EA, Borson S, Shen E, Tsoy E, Macias M, Goode C, Rankin K, et al. Stakeholder-informed pragmatic trial protocol of the TabCAT-BHA for the detection of cognitive impairment in primary care. BMC Prim Care. 2024 ;25(1):286.
Young M-EDe Trinida, Tafolla S, Saadi A, Sudhinaraset M, Chen L, Pourat N. Beyond "Chilling Effects": Latinx and Asian Immigrants' Experiences With Enforcement and Barriers to Health Care. Med Care. 2023 ;61(5):306-313.
Laraia B, Brownell K, Friebur R, Perera R, Brown E, Mayer SE, Feng I, Clermont S, Ritchie LD, Epel E. Cohort profile: the longitudinal NGHS of black and white girls from Northern California tracking how behavioural and psychosocial risk factors predict cardiovascular risk and biological ageing in midlife and in offspring. BMJ Open. 2023 ;13(11):e072957.
Harrington CA, Hailer L, Mollot RJ, Mukamel DB. Examining California nursing home profitability and related factors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 ;71(8):2530-2538.
Wang N, Yao T, Sung H-Y, Max W. The Association of Cannabis Use and Cigarette Smoking with Psychological Distress Among Adults in California. Subst Use Misuse. 2022 ;57(2):193-201.
Aranda-Díaz A, Imbert E, Strieff S, Graham-Squire D, Evans JL, Moore J, McFarland W, Fuchs J, Handley MA, Kushel M. Implementation of rapid and frequent SARS-CoV2 antigen testing and response in congregate homeless shelters. PLoS One. 2022 ;17(3):e0264929.
Laraia BA, Gamba R, Saraiva C, Dove MS, Marchi K, Braveman P. Severe maternal hardships are associated with food insecurity among low-income/lower-income women during pregnancy: results from the 2012-2014 California maternal infant health assessment. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 ;22(1):138.
Max W, Stark B, Sung H-Y, Offen N. Smoking-Attributable Doctor Visits and Emergency Room Utilization and Costs by California's Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community. J Homosex. 2022 ;69(10):1760-1776.
Nakphong MK, Young M-EDe Trinida, Morales B, Guzman-Ruiz IY, Chen L, Kietzman KG. Social exclusion at the intersections of immigration, employment, and healthcare policy: A qualitative study of Mexican and Chinese immigrants in California. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;298:114833.
Liu P-J, Neumann A, Radcliffe K, Chodos A. Adult Protective Services Training: Insights from California Caseworkers. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2021 ;64(3):274-290.
Keeler C, Wang Y, Max W, Yao T, Gu D, Sung H-Y. The Association of California's Proposition 56 Tobacco Tax Increase With Smoking Behavior Across Racial and Ethnic Groups and by Income. Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 ;23(12):2091-2101.
Esaryk EE, Arriaga EEJiménez, Kalaydjian S, Martinez SM. Campus Food Pantry Use Addresses a Gap Among California Public University Students. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2021 ;53(11):921-930.
Chen Y-H, M Glymour M, Catalano R, Fernandez A, Nguyen T, Kushel M, Bibbins-Domingo K. Excess Mortality in California During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, March to August 2020. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(5):705-707.
McLemore MR, Berkowitz RL, Oltman SP, Baer RJ, Franck L, Fuchs J, Karasek DA, Kuppermann M, McKenzie-Sampson S, Melbourne D, et al. Risk and Protective Factors for Preterm Birth Among Black Women in Oakland, California. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2021 ;8(5):1273-1280.
Swartz A, Hoffmann TJ, Cretti E, Burton CW, Eagen-Torkko M, Levi AJ, E Aztlan A, McLemore MR. Attitudes of California Registered Nurses About Abortion. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2020 ;49(5):475-486.
Max WB, Stark BB, Sung H-Y, Offen NB. Deaths from smoking and from HIV/AIDS among gay and bisexual men in California, 2005-2050. Tob Control. 2020 ;29(3):305-311.
Chambers BD, Arabia SE, Arega HA, Altman MR, Berkowitz R, Feuer SK, Franck LS, Gomez AM, Kober K, Pacheco-Werner T, et al. Exposures to structural racism and racial discrimination among pregnant and early post-partum Black women living in Oakland, California. Stress Health. 2020 ;36(2):213-219.
Odes R, Hong OS, Harrison R, Chapman S. Factors associated with physical injury or police involvement during incidents of workplace violence in hospitals: Findings from the first year of California's new standard. Am J Ind Med. 2020 ;63(6):543-549.
Cain CL, Koenig BA, Starks H, Thomas J, Forbes L, McCleskey S, Wenger NS. Hospital and Health System Policies Concerning the California End of Life Option Act. J Palliat Med. 2020 ;23(1):60-66.
Simpson KRice, Lyndon A, Spetz J, Gay CL, Landstrom GL. Missed Nursing Care During Labor and Birth and Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding During Hospitalization for Childbirth. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2020 ;45(5):280-288.
Harrington C, Ross L, Chapman S, Halifax E, Spurlock B, Bakerjian D. Nurse Staffing and Coronavirus Infections in California Nursing Homes. Policy Polit Nurs Pract. 2020 ;21(3):174-186.
