Comparative Effectiveness of Clinician- Versus Peer-Supported Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults With Depression.

TitleComparative Effectiveness of Clinician- Versus Peer-Supported Problem-Solving Therapy for Rural Older Adults With Depression.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsHollister, B, Crabb, R, Areán, P
JournalPsychiatr Serv
Date Published2024 Sep 01
KeywordsAged, Aged, 80 and over, California, Case Management, Depression, Depressive Disorder, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Peer Group, Pilot Projects, Problem Solving, Psychotherapy, Rural Population

OBJECTIVE: Self-guided and peer-supported treatments for depression among rural older adults may address some common barriers to treatment. This pilot study compared the effect on depression of peer-supported, self-guided problem-solving therapy (SG-PST) with case management problem-solving therapy (CM-PST) among older adults in rural California.

METHODS: Older adults with depression (N=105) received an introductory PST session with a clinician, followed by 11 sessions of CM-PST with a clinician (N=85) or SG-PST with a peer counselor (N=20).

RESULTS: Both interventions resulted in clinically significant improvement in depression by week 12. Depression scores in the CM-PST group dropped by 4.1 points more than in the SG-PST group between baseline and week 12 (95% CI=0.99-7.22, p<0.001, Hedges's g=1.08).

CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that peer-supported SG-PST is a viable, acceptable option for rural older adults with depression as a second-line treatment if access to clinicians is limited.

Alternate JournalPsychiatr Serv
PubMed ID38650489
PubMed Central IDPMC11366500
Grant ListR01 AG043584 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States