Understanding the functionality of housing-related support services through mapping methods and dialogue.

TitleUnderstanding the functionality of housing-related support services through mapping methods and dialogue.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsCanham, SL, Fang, MLan, Battersby, L, Wada, M
JournalEval Program Plann
Date Published2019 Feb
KeywordsCanada, Community-Based Participatory Research, Community-Institutional Relations, Data Collection, Group Processes, Housing, Humans, Program Evaluation, Public Assistance, Qualitative Research

This article describes the experience and process of using community mapping as a tool for collecting data on the functioning of housing-related support services in Metro Vancouver. We outline our mapping methods and discuss strengths and challenges encountered during workshops aimed at understandings how the system of housing-related supports function. Strengths were that workshops provided a forum for social participation and engagement. In addition, mapping is a research tool that enables local knowledge of service functioning and service gaps to be accessed and exchanged. Challenges include ensuring diverse representation; reducing power imbalances; and having adequate space to accommodate interested participants.

Alternate JournalEval Program Plann
PubMed ID30261348