
Found 10 results
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Ranuschio B, Bell S, Flatt J, Barnes L, Puno T, Navarro A, Ribeiro A, Sheik-Yosef N, Villalobos E, Wackens J, et al. Awareness and Knowledge of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder Among Middle-Aged and Older People Living With HIV/AIDS in Southern Nevada: Implications for HIV/AIDS Community-Based Education Programs. AIDS Educ Prev. 2024 ;36(2):141-154.
Esiaka DK, Wilson GB, Gluck MA. Strategies for Recruiting Older Black Men into Aging and Alzheimer's Research. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2024 ;18(1):61-66.
Berman RLH, Abbott KM, Cohen MA, Yoshizaki-Gibbons HM, McGaffigan E, Morhardt DJ, Straker JK, Eisenstein AR. A Process Evaluation of Developing Older Adult Research Advisory Boards in Long-term Care Settings. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2022 ;16(3):393-400.
Fine M, Torre MElena, Oswald AGerhard, Avory S. Critical participatory action research: Methods and praxis for intersectional knowledge production. J Couns Psychol. 2021 ;68(3):344-356.
Eisenstein AR, Milstein L, Johnson R, Berman R. The Bureau of Sages: Incorporating Older Adult Voice into Meaningful Research. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2020 ;14(3):359-370.
Canham SL, Custodio K, Mauboules C, Good C, Bosma H. Health and Psychosocial Needs of Older Adults Who Are Experiencing Homelessness Following Hospital Discharge. Gerontologist. 2020 ;60(4):715-724.
Rosas LG, Nasrallah C, Park VTa, Vasquez JJ, Duron Y, Garrick O, Hattin R, Cho M, David SP, Evans J, et al. Perspectives on Precision Health Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Communities and the Physicians That Serve Them. Ethn Dis. 2020 ;30(Suppl 1):137-148.
Franck LS, McLemore MR, Williams S, Millar K, Gordon AY, Williams S, Woods N, Edwards L, Pacheco T, Padilla A, et al. Research priorities of women at risk for preterm birth: findings and a call to action. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 ;20(1):10.
Canham SL, Fang MLan, Battersby L, Wada M. Understanding the functionality of housing-related support services through mapping methods and dialogue. Eval Program Plann. 2019 ;72:33-39.
Canham SL, Battersby L, Fang MLan, Wada M, Barnes R, Sixsmith A. Senior Services that Support Housing First in Metro Vancouver. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2018 ;61(1):104-125.