Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Fetal Gene Therapy.

TitleEthical, Legal, and Social Implications of Fetal Gene Therapy.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBrown, JEH, Koenig, BA
JournalClin Obstet Gynecol
Date Published2021 Dec 01
KeywordsEthics, Medical, Female, Fetal Therapies, Fetus, Genetic Therapy, Humans, Pregnancy, Prenatal Care

As fetal gene therapies move from experimental animal models to human in utero phase I clinical trials, there is a need to consider the ethical, legal, and social implications. While fetal gene therapies are attracting more regulatory oversight than previous fetal interventions such as fetal surgery, old sociological questions should be applied to this new context. As health care pathways around fetal therapy are shaped by the ways in which a pregnant person and the fetus are constituted, and as risks and benefits are evaluated, we cannot afford to lose sight of long-term consequences, especially those pertaining to social inclusion.

Alternate JournalClin Obstet Gynecol
PubMed ID34668890