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Carandang RRoyce, Epel E, Radin R, Lewis JB, Ickovics JR, Cunningham SD. Perceived Stress and Depressive Symptoms Are Associated With Emotional Eating but Not Nutritional Intake During Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2024 ;69(1):64-70.
Thompson-Lastad A, Harrison JM, Taiwo TKhemet, Williams C, Parimi M, Wilborn B, Chao MT. Postpartum care for parent-infant dyads: A community midwifery model. Birth. 2024 ;51(3):637-648.
Ghosh R, Kayentao K, Beckerman J, Traore B, Rozenshteyn S, Johnson A, Treleaven E, Liu JX. Qualified, skilled or trained delivery care provider: a conundrum of who, where and when. BMJ Glob Health. 2024 ;9(9).
James JE. Reproductive Justice and Abolition: Important Lessons Black Feminists Have Been Teaching Us for Years. Am J Bioeth. 2024 ;24(2):55-58.
Houminer-Klepar N, Bord S, Epel E, Baron-Epel O. Are pregnancy and parity associated with telomere length? A systematic review. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 ;23(1):733.
Cassidy AG, Li L, Golan Y, Gay C, Lin CY, Jigmeddagva U, Chidboy MA, Ilala M, Buarpung S, Gonzalez VJ, et al. Assessment of Adverse Reactions, Antibody Patterns, and 12-month Outcomes in the Mother-Infant Dyad After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Pregnancy. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 ;6(7):e2323405.
Deynu M, Nutor JJohn. Determinants of comprehensive knowledge on mother-to-child transmission of HIV and its prevention among childbearing women in Rwanda: insights from the 2020 Rwandan Demographic and Health Survey. BMC Public Health. 2023 ;23(1):5.
Kayentao K, Ghosh R, Guindo L, Whidden C, Treleaven E, Chiu C, Lassala D, Traoré MBana, Beckerman J, Diakité D, et al. Effect of community health worker home visits on antenatal care and institutional delivery: an analysis of secondary outcomes from a cluster randomised trial in Mali. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 ;8(3).
Younger A, Alkon A, Harknett K, Kirby MA, Elon L, Lovvorn AE, Wang J, Ye W, Diaz-Artiga A, McCracken JP, et al. Effects of a LPG stove and fuel intervention on adverse maternal outcomes: A multi-country randomized controlled trial conducted by the Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN). Environ Int. 2023 ;178:108059.
Chiu C, Wong A, Melvin O, Vernon J, Liu JX, McCoy SI, Packel LJ. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sales of sexual and reproductive health products: an ecological study of pharmacies in Kenya. BMJ Open. 2023 ;13(6):e068222.
Tetteh JKanor, Ameyaw EKwabena, Adu C, Agbaglo E, Agbadi P, Nutor JJohn. Inequalities in the prevalence of skilled birth attendance in Ghana between 1993 and 2014. Int Health. 2023 ;15(2):224-232.
Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Dunn JT, Franck LS, McLemore MR, Keene DE, Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR. "'Oh gosh, why go?' cause they are going to look at me and not hire": intersectional experiences of black women navigating employment during pregnancy and parenting. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 ;23(1):17.
Jones-Mason K, Coccia M, Alkon A, Thomas KColeman-Ph, Laraia B, Adler N, Epel ES, Bush NR. Parental sensitivity modifies the associations between maternal prenatal stress exposure, autonomic nervous system functioning and infant temperament in a diverse, low-income sample. Attach Hum Dev. 2023 ;25(5):487-523.
Holt K, Galavotti C, Omoluabi E, Challa S, Waiswa P, Liu J. Preference-Aligned Fertility Management as a Person-Centered Alternative to Contraceptive Use-Focused Measures. Stud Fam Plann. 2023 ;54(1):301-308.
Afulani PA, Okiring J, Aborigo RA, Nutor JJohn, Kuwolamo I, Dorzie JBaptist K, Semko S, Okonofua JA, Mendes WBerry. Provider implicit and explicit bias in person-centered maternity care: a cross-sectional study with maternity providers in Northern Ghana. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 ;23(1):254.
Mehra R, Alspaugh A, Joseph J, Golden B, Lanshaw N, McLemore MR, Franck LS. Racism is a motivator and a barrier for people of color aspiring to become midwives in the United States. Health Serv Res. 2023 ;58(1):40-50.
Hunter LA, Rao A, Napierala S, Kalinjila A, Mnyippembe A, Hassan K, Bertozzi SM, Mfaume R, Njau P, Liu JX, et al. Reaching Adolescent Girls and Young Women With HIV Self-Testing and Contraception at Girl-Friendly Drug Shops: A Randomized Trial in Tanzania. J Adolesc Health. 2023 ;72(1):64-72.
Oladimeji KElizabeth, Tsoka-Gwegweni JMahlako, Anyiam FEmeka, Yaya S, Nutor JJohn, Abiodun G, Nkfusai CNgwayu, Hegazy D, Awe ODeborah, Goon DTer. Socio-economic predictors of uptake of malaria interventions among pregnant women and mothers of under 5 children in Oyo State, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. Pan Afr Med J. 2023 ;44:65.
Younger A, Alkon A, Harknett K, Louis RJean, Thompson LM. Adverse birth outcomes associated with household air pollution from unclean cooking fuels in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Environ Res. 2022 ;204(Pt C):112274.
Parnarouskis L, Gearhardt AN, Mason AE, Adler NE, Laraia BA, Epel ES, Leung CW. Association of Food Insecurity and Food Addiction Symptoms: A Secondary Analysis of Two Samples of Low-Income Female Adults. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 ;122(10):1885-1892.
Brown K, Plummer M, Bell A, Combs M, Gates-Burgess B, Mitchell A, Sparks M, McLemore MR, Jackson A. Black Women's Lived Experiences of Abortion. Qual Health Res. 2022 ;32(7):1099-1113.
Logan RG, McLemore MR, Julian Z, Stoll K, Malhotra N, Vedam S. Coercion and non-consent during birth and newborn care in the United States. Birth. 2022 ;49(4):749-762.
Noroña-Zhou AN, Coccia M, Epel E, Vieten C, Adler NE, Laraia B, Jones-Mason K, Alkon A, Bush NR. The Effects of a Prenatal Mindfulness Intervention on Infant Autonomic and Behavioral Reactivity and Regulation. Psychosom Med. 2022 ;84(5):525-535.
Hunagund S, Golan Y, Asiodu IV, Prahl M, Gaw SL. Effects of Vaccination Against Influenza, Pertussis, and COVID-19 on Human Milk Antibodies: Current Evidence and Implications for Health Equity. Front Immunol. 2022 ;13:910383.
Anand ST, Ryckman KK, Baer RJ, Charlton ME, Breheny PJ, Terry WW, McLemore MR, Karasek DA, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Chrischilles EA. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy among women with a history of leukemia or lymphoma. Pregnancy Hypertens. 2022 ;29:101-107.
