Centering the relationship between structural racism and individual bias.

TitleCentering the relationship between structural racism and individual bias.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsFuentes, A, Ralph, L, Roberts, DE
JournalBehav Brain Sci
Date Published2022 May 13
KeywordsBias, Humans, Racism, Sexism, Systemic Racism

Cesario misrepresents or ignores data on real-world racist and sexist patterns and processes in an attempt to discredit the assumptions of implicit bias experimentation. His position stands in stark contradiction to substantive research across the social sciences recognizing the widespread, systematic, and structuring processes of racism and sexism. We argue for centering the relationship between structural racism and individual bias.

Alternate JournalBehav Brain Sci
PubMed ID35549784