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Afulani PA, Okiring J, Aborigo RA, Nutor JJohn, Kuwolamo I, Dorzie JBaptist K, Semko S, Okonofua JA, Mendes WBerry. Provider implicit and explicit bias in person-centered maternity care: a cross-sectional study with maternity providers in Northern Ghana. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 ;23(1):254.
Fuentes A, Ralph L, Roberts DE. Centering the relationship between structural racism and individual bias. Behav Brain Sci. 2022 ;45:e76.
Cicero EC, Reisner SL, Merwin EI, Humphreys JC, Silva SG. Application of Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Sampling Weights to Transgender Health Measurement. Nurs Res. 2020 ;69(4):307-315.