Age-Friendly for Whom? An Aperture to the Lived Experiences of Older San Franciscans.

TitleAge-Friendly for Whom? An Aperture to the Lived Experiences of Older San Franciscans.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsYeh, J
Date Published2022 Jan 14
KeywordsAged, Anthropology, Cultural, Geriatrics, Humans, Intersectional Framework, Social Environment

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Spatial practices and changing urban environments affecting identity, experiences, and everyday life were examined among a diverse sample of older adults as they negotiated and navigated an age-friendly city.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Ethnographic interviews, observations, and visual methods were used to understand spatial practices and lived experiences of 4 older adults, who chronicled their lives using disposable cameras.

RESULTS: Informant identities emerged in their everyday practices, reflecting varied positionalities that fundamentally shaped their notions of "age-friendly." Informants sought to sustain or improve their lives while attempting to negotiate socioenvironmental forms and forces that often threatened their identity and increased their precarity.

DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Contrast exists between "invariant" macro/meso issues all older adults face as they age and "multivariant" ways in which age is accomplished based on place, biography, and intersectionality. Age-friendly environments may simultaneously maintain the status quo and exacerbate inequalities. Gerontology must take seriously how stratified life chances can undermine seemingly universal potential benefits of age-friendly environments.

Alternate JournalGerontologist
PubMed ID34378780