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"It's your Liangxin that tells you what to do": Interpreting workplace-induced emotions in a Chinese nursing home. J Aging Stud. 2023 ;64:101111.
. Age-Friendly for Whom? An Aperture to the Lived Experiences of Older San Franciscans. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):100-109.
. Aging in the downtown corridor: Mapping the neighborhood experiences of Seattle's unhoused adults over age 50. J Aging Stud. 2022 ;60:100997.
. Cognability: An Ecological Theory of neighborhoods and cognitive aging. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;309:115220.
. A Critical Approach to Aging in Place: A Case Study Comparison of Personal and Professional Perspectives from the Minneapolis Metropolitan Area. J Aging Soc Policy. 2021 ;33(3):222-246.
. A Scoping Review of the Health of East and Southeast Asian Female Marriage Migrants. J Immigr Minor Health. 2020 ;22(1):182-211.
. Contextual Factors for Aging Well: Creating Socially Engaging Spaces Through the Use of Deliberative Dialogues. Gerontologist. 2018 ;58(1):140-148.