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Cao Q, Pope N, Greenfield E. "I'm Part of Something That Matters": Exploring What Older Adults Value Through Their Engagement in Age-Friendly Community Initiatives. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2024 ;67(6):715-737.
Reyes L. In Their Words: African American and Latine Immigrant Older Adults (Re)Define Civic Participation. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2024 ;79(10).
Lewis S, Willis K, Smith L, Dubbin L, Rogers A, Moensted MLindegaard, Smallwood N. There but not really involved: The meanings of loneliness for people with chronic illness. Soc Sci Med. 2024 ;343:116596.
Horn BL, Albers EA, Mitchell LL, Jutkowitz E, Finlay JM, Millenbah AN, Seifert GJ, Hedin DS, Knutson MJ, Kramer KM, et al. Can Technology-Based Social Memory Aids Improve Social Engagement? Perceptions of a Novel Memory Aid for Persons With Memory Concerns. J Appl Gerontol. 2023 ;42(3):399-408.
Latham-Mintus K, Manierre M, Miller K. Staying Connected: Alternative Transportation Use, Neighborhoods, and Social Participation Among Older Americans. Gerontologist. 2022 ;62(1):75-88.
Felix C, Rosano C, Zhu X, Flatt JD, Rosso AL. Greater Social Engagement and Greater Gray Matter Microstructural Integrity in Brain Regions Relevant to Dementia. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 ;76(6):1027-1035.
Moorman SM, Greenfield EA, Lee CSeo Hyun. Perceived Hearing Loss, Social Disengagement, and Declines in Memory. J Appl Gerontol. 2021 ;40(6):679-683.
Latham-Mintus K, Vowels A, Chavan S. Neighborhood Disorder, Social Ties, and Preventive Healthcare Utilization among Urban-Dwelling Older Adults. J Aging Health. 2020 ;32(10):1387-1398.
Canham SL, Fang MLan, Battersby L, Woolrych R, Sixsmith J, Ren THui, Sixsmith A. Contextual Factors for Aging Well: Creating Socially Engaging Spaces Through the Use of Deliberative Dialogues. Gerontologist. 2018 ;58(1):140-148.
Wu TLeong, Hall BJ, Canham SL, Lam AIok Fong. The Association Between Social Capital and Depression Among Chinese Older Adults Living in Public Housing. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2016 ;204(10):764-769.