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Sideman ABernstein, Nguyen HQ, Langer-Gould A, Lee EA, Borson S, Shen E, Tsoy E, Macias M, Goode C, Rankin K, et al. Stakeholder-informed pragmatic trial protocol of the TabCAT-BHA for the detection of cognitive impairment in primary care. BMC Prim Care. 2024 ;25(1):286.
Meija MG, Guest AM, Zheng W, Peckham A, Xie Y, You Q, Doebbeling BN. Who’s ideating, prototyping, and evaluating? A case study of resource-limited participatory design for health and aging. Educational Gerontology. 2023 .
Eisenstein AR, Milstein L, Johnson R, Berman R. The Bureau of Sages: Incorporating Older Adult Voice into Meaningful Research. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2020 ;14(3):359-370.
Sheehan OC, Ritchie CS, Garrett SB, Harrison KL, Mickler A, England ALEaton, Basyal PSharma, Garrigues SK, Leff B. Unanticipated Therapeutic Value of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Stakeholder Engagement Project for Homebound Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 ;21(8):1172-1173.