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Rosenthal MA, Ranji SR, Kanzaria HK, Ortiz GM, Chase J, Chodos AH, Nguyen OK, Rodriguez EG, Makam AN. Characterizing patients hospitalized without an acute care indication: A retrospective cohort study. J Hosp Med. 2023 ;18(4):294-301.
O'Leary RA, Zelikoff JT, Meltzer GY, Hemmerich N, Erdei E. The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe resists JUUL's targeted exploitation. Tob Control. 2023 ;32(e2):e267-e268.
Lyu JChen, Sung H-Y, Yao T, Jiang N, Quah ACK, Meng G, Jiang Y, Fong GT, Max W. Cigarette Gifting Among Nonsmokers in China: Findings From the International Tobacco Control China Survey. Nicotine Tob Res. 2023 ;25(5):928-936.
LaForge K, Gray M, Livingston CJ, Leichtling G, Choo EK. Clinician Perspectives on Referring Medicaid Back Pain Patients to Integrative and Complementary Medicine: A Qualitative Study. J Integr Complement Med. 2023 ;29(1):55-60.
Hewlett MM, Raven MC, Graham-Squire D, Evans JL, Cawley C, Kushel M, Kanzaria HK. Cluster Analysis of the Highest Users of Medical, Behavioral Health, and Social Services in San Francisco. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 ;38(5):1143-1151.
Ii ANCorrero, Gauthreaux K, Perales-Puchalt J, Chen Y-C, Chan KCG, Kukull WA, Flatt JD. Cognitive Aging with Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, or No Impairment: A Comparison of Same- and Mixed-Sex Couples. J Alzheimers Dis. 2023 ;92(1):109-128.
Smith EJT, Gasper WJ, Schneider PA, Finlayson E, Walter LC, Covinsky KE, Conte MS, Iannuzzi JC. Cognitive Impairment is Common in a Veterans Affairs Population with Peripheral Arterial Disease. Ann Vasc Surg. 2023 ;91:210-217.
Laraia B, Brownell K, Friebur R, Perera R, Brown E, Mayer SE, Feng I, Clermont S, Ritchie LD, Epel E. Cohort profile: the longitudinal NGHS of black and white girls from Northern California tracking how behavioural and psychosocial risk factors predict cardiovascular risk and biological ageing in midlife and in offspring. BMJ Open. 2023 ;13(11):e072957.
Perone AK. Constructing Discrimination Rights: Comparisons Among Staff in Long-Term Care Health Facilities. Gerontologist. 2023 ;63(5):900-909.
Schmidt JM, Epel ES, Jacobs LM, Mason AE, Parrett B, Pickett AM, Mousli LM, Schmidt LA. Controlled trial of a workplace sales ban on sugar-sweetened beverages. Public Health Nutr. 2023 ;26(10):2130-2138.
Vickers DM, Hardie J, Eberspaecher S, Chaufan C, Pelech S. Counterfactuals of effects of vaccination and public health measures on COVID-19 cases in Canada: what could have happened?. Front Public Health. 2023 ;11:1173673.
Jarlais DCDes, Lieff S, Grivel M, Meltzer G, Choi J, Weng CAllen, Feelemyer JP, Chang VW, Yang L. COVID-19 stigmatization after the development of effective vaccines: Vaccination behavior, attitudes, and news sources. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(4):e0283467.
Chang JSuki, Saxton K, Bright G, Jorden MA, Gutierrez A, Xia K. Deaths of profound despair: A retrospective cohort study of mortality among people experiencing homelessness. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(2):e0281912.
Weldrick R, Canham SL, Sussman T, Walsh CA, Cormier É, Mahmood A. Delivering Services to Older Persons Experiencing Homelessness: Providers' Perspectives of What Does and Does Not Work. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2023 ;66(1):29-42.
Liu JX, Vallin J, Chiu C, F Cabrera A, Hunter LA, Rao A, Njau P, McCoy SI. Designing for two: How enhancing human-centered design with behavioral nudges unlocked breakthroughs to promote young women's psychological safety and access to reproductive care in Tanzania. Soc Sci Med. 2023 ;320:115683.
Deynu M, Nutor JJohn. Determinants of comprehensive knowledge on mother-to-child transmission of HIV and its prevention among childbearing women in Rwanda: insights from the 2020 Rwandan Demographic and Health Survey. BMC Public Health. 2023 ;23(1):5.
Merss K, Bowers BJ. Devaluing Incarcerated Populations: Deprioritizing Incarcerated Populations for COVID-19 Vaccination. West J Nurs Res. 2023 ;45(11):986-992.
Steinman MA, Jing B, Shah SJ, Rizzo A, Lee SJ, Covinsky KE, Ritchie CS, W Boscardin J. Development and validation of novel multimorbidity indices for older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 ;71(1):121-135.
Zehm A, Smith S, Schaefer KG, Jonas D, Bullock K, Edwards RL, Reville B, Jaramillo C, Webb ACarol, Rydberg J, et al. Development of Objectives to Inform a National Standardized Primary Palliative Care Curriculum for Health Professions Students. J Palliat Med. 2023 ;26(3):406-410.
Ankuda CK, Covinsky K, Freedman VA, Langa K, Aldridge MD, Yee C, Kelley AS. The devil's in the details: Variation in estimates of late-life activity limitations across national cohort studies. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 ;71(3):858-868.
Esiaka DK, Luth E. Different Interpretations of "Honor Your Parents": Implications for Obligation of Parental Caregiving. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2023 ;78(11):1787-1795.
Ackley SF, Zimmerman SC, Flatt JD, Riley AR, Sevelius J, Duchowny KA. Discordance in chromosomal and self-reported sex in the UK Biobank: Implications for transgender- and intersex-inclusive data collection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 ;120(18):e2218700120.
Cheung CK, Lee H, Levin NJackson, Choi E, Ross VA, Geng Y, Thomas BN, Roth ME. Disparities in cancer care among sexual and gender minority adolescent and young adult patients: A scoping review. Cancer Med. 2023 ;12(13):14674-14693.
Epstein A, Harris OO, Benmarhnia T, Camlin CS, Weiser SD. Do precipitation anomalies influence short-term mobility in sub-saharan Africa? An observational study from 23 countries. BMC Public Health. 2023 ;23(1):377.
Hamlat EJ, Neilands TB, Laraia B, Zhang J, Lu AT, Lin J, Horvath S, Epel ES. Early life adversity predicts an accelerated cellular aging phenotype through early timing of puberty. Psychol Med. 2023 ;53(16):7720-7728.
