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Aliberti MJuliano Ro, Covinsky KE, Garcez FBarreto, Smith AK, Curiati PKallas, Lee SJ, Dias MBacchini, Melo VJosé Dorn, Rego-Júnior OFortes do, Richinho Vde Paula, et al. A fuller picture of COVID-19 prognosis: the added value of vulnerability measures to predict mortality in hospitalised older adults. Age Ageing. 2021 ;50(1):32-39.
Rote SM, Angel JL. Gender-Based Pathways to Cognitive Aging in the Mexican-Origin Population in the United States: The Significance of Work and Family. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 ;76(4):e165-e175.
Nutor JJohn, Duah HOfori, Duodu PAdade, Agbadi P, Alhassan RKaba, Darkwah E. Geographical variations and factors associated with recent HIV testing prevalence in Ghana: spatial mapping and complex survey analyses of the 2014 demographic and health surveys. BMJ Open. 2021 ;11(7):e045458.
Shah SJ, Fang MC, Jeon SY, Gregorich SE, Covinsky KE. Geriatric Syndromes and Atrial Fibrillation: Prevalence and Association with Anticoagulant Use in a National Cohort of Older Americans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(2):349-356.
Tsoy E, Sideman ABernstein, Escudero SDPiña, Pintado-Caipa M, Kanjanapong S, Al-Rousan T, Mbakile-Mahlanza L, de Oliveira MOkada, Puebla MDe la Cruz, Zygouris S, et al. Global Perspectives on Brief Cognitive Assessments for Dementia Diagnosis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021 ;82(3):1001-1013.
Hunt LJ, Garrett SB, Dressler G, Sudore R, Ritchie CS, Harrison KL. "Goals of Care Conversations Don't Fit in a Box": Hospice Staff Experiences and Perceptions of Advance Care Planning Quality Measurement. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 ;61(5):917-927.
Felix C, Rosano C, Zhu X, Flatt JD, Rosso AL. Greater Social Engagement and Greater Gray Matter Microstructural Integrity in Brain Regions Relevant to Dementia. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 ;76(6):1027-1035.
Protsenko E, Yang R, Nier B, Reus V, Hammamieh R, Rampersaud R, W Y Wu G, Hough CM, Epel E, Prather AA, et al. "GrimAge," an epigenetic predictor of mortality, is accelerated in major depressive disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 ;11(1):193.
LaForge K, Wros P, Bradley KJ, Beiers-Jones K. "Having a Normal Life": A Qualitative Study on Client Goal-Setting Within a Health Care and Social Needs Navigation Program. J Ambul Care Manage. 2021 ;44(1):56-65.
Wang Y, Watkins SLea, Sung H-Y, Yao T, Lightwood J, Max W. Health Care Utilization of Menthol and Non-menthol Cigarette Smokers. Nicotine Tob Res. 2021 ;23(1):195-202.
Cruz TM, Smith SA. Health Equity Beyond Data: Health Care Worker Perceptions of Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data Collection in Electronic Health Records. Med Care. 2021 ;59(5):379-385.
Nguyen MP, Amoon AT, Lee L, Chiang V, Nham K, Sun AQi, Ji M, Sundin P, Bastani R, Flores YNicole. Health Literacy, Knowledge, and Risk Factors for Fatty Liver Disease among Asian American and Pacific Islanders and Latinos in Los Angeles. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2021 ;22(6):1737-1744.
Ropers FG, Barratt A, Wilt TJ, Nicholls SG, Taylor-Phillips S, Kramer BS, Esserman LJ, Norris SL, Gibson LM, Harris RP, et al. Health screening needs independent regular re-evaluation. BMJ. 2021 ;374:n2049.
Harrison KLyn. The Hidden Curriculum Of Hospice: Die Fast, Not Slow. Health Aff (Millwood). 2021 ;40(5):844-847.
Tubert J, Packel L, Hunter LA, Mfaume R, Njau P, Ramadhani AA, Liu JX, McCoy SI. HIV prevention at drug shops: awareness and attitudes among shop dispensers and young women about oral pre-exposure prophylaxis and the dapivirine ring in Shinyanga, Tanzania. AIDS Res Ther. 2021 ;18(1):21.
Leff B, Sheehan OC, Harrison KL, England AEaton, Mickler A, Basyal PSharma, Garrigues SK, Schuchman M, Perissinotto C, Garrett SB, et al. A Home-Based Care Research Agenda by and for Homebound Older Adults and Caregivers. J Appl Gerontol. 2021 ;40(12):1715-1721.
Schwab-Reese LM, Murfree L, Coppola EC, Liu P-J, Hunter AA. Homicide-suicide across the lifespan: a mixed methods examination of factors contributing to older adult perpetration. Aging Ment Health. 2021 ;25(9):1750-1758.
Strassels SA, Moss KO, Mallow PJ, Tamer RM, Monroe TB, Williams NO, Levine AS, Muench U. Hospital Admissions Associated With Cancer Pain in Older Adults With and Without Dementia. Pain Manag Nurs. 2021 ;22(4):496-502.
Palma-Gudiel H, Prather AA, Lin J, Oxendine JD, Guintivano J, Xia K, Rubinow DR, Wolkowitz O, Epel ES, Zannas AS. HPA axis regulation and epigenetic programming of immune-related genes in chronically stressed and non-stressed mid-life women. Brain Behav Immun. 2021 ;92:49-56.
Dudley N, Miller J, Breslin MLou, Chapman SA, Spetz J. The Impact of Nurse Delegation Regulations on the Provision of Home Care Services: A Four-State Case Study. Med Care Res Rev. 2021 ;78(1_suppl):47S-56S.
Beck AL, Huang JC, Lendzion L, Fernandez A, Martinez S. Impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic on Parents' Perception of Health Behaviors in Children With Overweight and Obesity. Acad Pediatr. 2021 ;21(8):1434-1440.
Lin TKuo, Law R, Beaman J, Foster DGreene. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic security and pregnancy intentions among people at risk of pregnancy. Contraception. 2021 ;103(6):380-385.
H Versey S. The Impending Eviction Cliff: Housing Insecurity During COVID-19. Am J Public Health. 2021 ;111(8):1423-1427.
Akram A, Nicosia F, Lee J, Lee M, Martin L, Martinez S, Ordoñez C, Woo M, Barnes DE. Implementation of an integrative movement program for residents with dementia in a VA nursing home. BMC Geriatr. 2021 ;21(1):607.
Yeh JC, Newman J, Main R, Hunt LJ. Improving End-of-Life Care for Persons Living With Dementia: Bereaved Caregivers' Observations and Recommendations. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021 ;62(3):579-586.
