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Bray SRM, McLemore MR. Demolishing the Myth of the Default Human That Is Killing Black Mothers. Front Public Health. 2021 ;9:675788.
Flores DV, Rote S, Angel J, Chen N-W, Downer B, Markides K. Depressive symptoms in child caregivers of very old Mexican Americans. Aging Ment Health. 2021 ;25(1):61-67.
Canham SL, Humphries J, Danielsen C, Small S, Bosma H. Design Considerations for the Development and Implementation of a Medical Respite for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Metro Vancouver. Med Care. 2021 ;59(Suppl 2):S146-S153.
Hunter LA, McCoy SI, Rao A, Mnyippembe A, Hassan K, Njau P, Mfaume R, Liu JX. Designing drug shops for young women in Tanzania: applying human-centred design to facilitate access to HIV self-testing and contraception. Health Policy Plan. 2021 ;36(10):1562-1573.
Greenfield EA. Designing Retrospective Measures on Childhood for Older African American Adults. Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2021 ;92(2):158-169.
Horstman MJ, Miltner RS, Wallhagen MI, Patrician PA, Oliver BJ, Roumie CL, Dolansky MA, Perez F, Naik AD, Godwin KM. Developing Leaders and Scholars in Health Care Improvement: The VA Quality Scholars Program Competencies. Acad Med. 2021 ;96(1):68-74.
Alosco ML, Mariani ML, Adler CH, Balcer LJ, Bernick C, Au R, Banks SJ, Barr WB, Bouix S, Cantu RC, et al. Developing methods to detect and diagnose chronic traumatic encephalopathy during life: rationale, design, and methodology for the DIAGNOSE CTE Research Project. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2021 ;13(1):136.
Wang Y, Max W, Yao T, Keeler C, Sung H-Y. Differential price-responsiveness of smoking behaviors among non-Hispanic African Americans and non-Hispanic whites in the United States. Addiction. 2021 ;116(10):2859-2869.
Chen P, Covinsky K. Difficulty Taking Medications: a Corollary to Dementia Risk. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 ;36(4):861-862.
Turner CM, Arayasirikul S, Wilson EC. Disparities in HIV-related risk and socio-economic outcomes among trans women in the sex trade and effects of a targeted, anti-sex-trafficking policy. Soc Sci Med. 2021 ;270:113664.
Bucknor MD, Lichtensztajn DY, Lin TK, Borno HT, Gomez SL, Hope TA. Disparities in PET Imaging for Prostate Cancer at a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. J Nucl Med. 2021 ;62(5):695-699.
Mitchell LL, Zmora R, Finlay JM, Jutkowitz E, Gaugler JE. Do Big Five Personality Traits Moderate the Effects of Stressful Life Events on Health Trajectories? Evidence From the Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 ;76(1):44-55.
Amjad H, Mulcahy J, Kasper JD, Burgdorf J, Roth DL, Covinsky K, Wolff JL. Do Caregiving Factors Affect Hospitalization Risk Among Disabled Older Adults?. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 ;69(1):129-139.
Brenowitz WD, Wallhagen MI. Does Hearing Impairment Affect Physical Function?: Current Evidence, Potential Mechanisms, and Future Research Directions for Healthy Aging. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 ;4(6):e2114782.
Laraia BA, Leung CW, A Tomiyama J, Ritchie LD, Crawford PB, Epel ES. Drive for thinness in adolescents predicts greater adult BMI in the Growth and Health Study cohort over 20 years. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2021 ;29(12):2126-2133.
Rote SM, Angel JL, Kim J, Markides KS. Dual Trajectories of Dementia and Social Support in the Mexican-Origin Population. Gerontologist. 2021 ;61(3):374-382.
Gilissen J, Hunt L, Van den Block L, van der Steen J, Tahir P, Ritchie C. Earlier initiation of palliative care in the disease trajectory of people living with dementia: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. 2021 ;11(6):e044502.
Hamlat EJ, Prather AA, Horvath S, Belsky J, Epel ES. Early life adversity, pubertal timing, and epigenetic age acceleration in adulthood. Dev Psychobiol. 2021 ;63(5):890-902.
Avila JF, Rentería MArce, Jones RN, Vonk JMJ, Turney I, Sol K, Seblova D, Arias F, Hill-Jarrett T, Levy S-A, et al. Education differentially contributes to cognitive reserve across racial/ethnic groups. Alzheimers Dement. 2021 ;17(1):70-80.
Yang JE, Lassala D, Liu JX, Whidden C, Holeman I, Keita Y, Djiguiba Y, N'Diaye SIbrahima, Fall F, Kayentao K, et al. Effect of mobile application user interface improvements on minimum expected home visit coverage by community health workers in Mali: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Glob Health. 2021 ;6(11).
Hives BA, E Buckler J, Weiss J, Schilf S, Johansen KL, Epel ES, Puterman E. The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Psychological Functioning in Family Caregivers: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Behav Med. 2021 ;55(1):65-76.
Portacolone E, Chodos A, Halpern J, Covinsky KE, Keiser S, Fung J, Rivera E, Tran T, Bykhovsky C, Johnson JK. The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lived Experience of Diverse Older Adults Living Alone With Cognitive Impairment. Gerontologist. 2021 ;61(2):251-261.
Baumann BM, Cooper RJ, Medak AJ, Lim S, Chinnock B, Frazier R, Roberts BW, Epel ES, Rodriguez RM. Emergency physician stressors, concerns, and behavioral changes during COVID-19: A longitudinal study. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 ;28(3):314-324.
Winter SG, Matsuda E, Stephan LM, Chapman SA. Enablers, Barriers, and Contributions of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners to Ambulatory Specialty Care. J Pediatr Health Care. 2021 ;35(2):226-230.
Oh A, Gan S, W Boscardin J, Allison TA, Barnes DE, Covinsky KE, Smith AK. Engagement in Meaningful Activities Among Older Adults With Disability, Dementia, and Depression. JAMA Intern Med. 2021 ;181(4):560-562.
