A contemporary review of electronic waste through the lens of inhalation toxicology.

TitleA contemporary review of electronic waste through the lens of inhalation toxicology.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAvenbuan, ON, Meltzer, GY, Awada, C, Raja, A, Holian, A, Zelikoff, JT
JournalInhal Toxicol
Date Published2021 Aug-Dec
KeywordsElectronic Waste, Humans, Inhalation Exposure

Inhalation is a significant route of exposure to toxic chemicals for electronic waste (e-waste) workers, especially for those whose activities take place in the informal sector. However, there remains a dearth of research on the health effects produced by the hazardous dismantling of e-waste and associated outcomes and biological mechanisms that occur as a result of inhalation exposure. This contemporary review highlights a number of the toxicological and epidemiological studies published on this topic to bring to light the many knowledge gaps that require further research, including and investigations to address the health outcomes and underlying mechanisms of inhaled e-waste-associated pulmonary disease.

Alternate JournalInhal Toxicol
PubMed ID34715768