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James JE. Is It Ethical to Mandate Vaccination among Incarcerated Persons? Consider Enforcement and Ask People Living in Prisons and Jails. Am J Bioeth. 2022 ;22(11):W7-W8.
Shin SS, LaForge K, Stack E, Pope J, Leichtling G, Larsen JE, Leahy JM, Seaman A, Hoover D, Chisholm L, et al. "It wasn't here, and now it is. It's everywhere": fentanyl's rising presence in Oregon's drug supply. Harm Reduct J. 2022 ;19(1):76.
Abrams LR, Finlay JM, Kobayashi LC. Job Transitions and Mental Health Outcomes Among U.S. Adults Aged 55 and Older During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2022 ;77(7):e106-e116.
LaForge K, Stack E, Shin S, Pope J, Larsen JE, Leichtling G, Leahy JM, Seaman A, Hoover D, Byers M, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to the fentanyl-adulterated drug supply among people who use drugs in Oregon. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2022 ;141:108849.
Sideman ABernstein, Chalmer R, Ayers E, Gershon R, Verghese J, Wolf M, Ansari A, Arvanitis M, Bui N, Chen P, et al. Lessons from Detecting Cognitive Impairment Including Dementia (DetectCID) in Primary Care. J Alzheimers Dis. 2022 ;86(2):655-665.
Greenfield EA, Reynolds A, Moorman SM. Life course linkages between enriching early-life activities and later life cognition: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Soc Sci Med. 2022 ;294:114673.
Harrison KL, Ritchie CS, Hunt LJ, Patel K, W Boscardin J, Yaffe K, Smith AK. Life expectancy for community-dwelling persons with dementia and severe disability. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 ;70(6):1807-1815.
Ferket BS, Hunink MGMyriam, Masharani U, Max W, Yeboah J, Burke GL, Fleischmann KE. Lifetime Cardiovascular Disease Risk by Coronary Artery Calcium Score in Individuals With and Without Diabetes: An Analysis From the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Diabetes Care. 2022 ;45(4):975-982.
Portacolone E, Torres JM, Johnson JK, Benton D, Rapp T, Tran T, Martinez P, Graham C. The Living Alone with Cognitive Impairment Project's Policy Advisory Group on Long-Term Services and Supports: Setting a Research Equity Agenda. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 ;19(10).
Quashie NT, Andrade FCD, Meltzer G, García C. Living Arrangements and Intergenerational Support in Puerto Rico: Are Fathers Disadvantaged?. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2022 ;77(11):2078-2090.
Nkimbeng M, Commodore-Mensah Y, Angel JL, Bandeen-Roche K, Thorpe RJ, Han H-R, Winch PJ, Szanton SL. Longer Residence in the United States is Associated With More Physical Function Limitations in African Immigrant Older Adults. J Appl Gerontol. 2022 ;41(2):411-420.
Bauer SR, Harrison SL, Cawthon PM, Senders A, Kenfield SA, Suskind AM, McCulloch CE, Covinsky K, Marshall LM. Longitudinal Changes in Adiposity and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Among Older Men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2022 ;77(10):2102-2109.
Obadan-Udoh E, Jura M, Wang S, Werts M, Martiniano R, Muench U, Mertz E. A longitudinal cohort study of opioid prescriptions associated with nonsurgical dental visits among Oregon and New York state Medicaid beneficiaries, 2014-2016. J Am Dent Assoc. 2022 ;153(5):460-469.
Kim J, Angel JL, Rote SM. A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Disablement Among the Oldest Mexican Americans. J Aging Health. 2022 ;34(2):196-205.
Roubinov DS, Epel ES, Coccia M, Coleman-Phox K, Vieten C, Adler NE, Laraia B, Bush NR. Long-term effects of a prenatal mindfulness intervention on depressive symptoms in a diverse sample of women. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2022 ;90(12):942-949.
Parks AL, Jeon SY, W Boscardin J, Steinman MA, Smith AK, Covinsky KE, Fang MC, Shah SJ. Long-term functional outcomes and mortality after hospitalization for extracranial hemorrhage. J Hosp Med. 2022 ;17(4):235-242.
Bauer SR, Cawthon PM, Ensrud KE, Suskind AM, Newman JC, Fink HA, Lu K, Scherzer R, Hoffman AR, Covinsky K, et al. Lower urinary tract symptoms and incident functional limitations among older community-dwelling men. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 ;70(4):1082-1094.
Harknett K, Schneider D. Mandates Narrow Gender Gaps In Paid Sick Leave Coverage For Low-Wage Workers In The US. Health Aff (Millwood). 2022 ;41(11):1575-1582.
Allison TA, Gubner JM, Oh A, Harrison KL, Pham K, Barnes DE, Johnson JK, Covinsky KE, Smith AK. Meaningful Activities and Sources of Meaning for Community-Dwelling People Living with Dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 ;23(7):1191-1196.e1.
Ornstein KA, Ankuda CK, Leff B, Rajagopalan S, Siu AL, Harrison KL, Oh A, Reckrey JM, Ritchie CS. Medicare-funded home-based clinical care for community-dwelling persons with dementia: An essential healthcare delivery mechanism. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 ;70(4):1127-1135.
Bustamante G, Guzman V, Kobayashi LC, Finlay J. Mental health and well-being in times of COVID-19: A mixed-methods study of the role of neighborhood parks, outdoor spaces, and nature among US older adults. Health Place. 2022 ;76:102813.
Ogbu-Nwobodo L, Shim RS, Vinson SY, Fitelson EM, M Biggs A, McLemore MR, Thomas M, Godzich M, Mangurian C. Mental Health Implications of Abortion Restrictions for Historically Marginalized Populations. N Engl J Med. 2022 ;387(17):1613-1617.
Flentje A, Clark KD, Cicero E, Capriotti MR, Lubensky ME, Sauceda J, Neilands TB, Lunn MR, Obedin-Maliver J. Minority Stress, Structural Stigma, and Physical Health Among Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals: Examining the Relative Strength of the Relationships. Ann Behav Med. 2022 ;56(6):573-591.
Coaston A, Lee S-J, Johnson J, Hardy-Peterson M, Weiss S, Stephens C. Mobile Medical Clinics in the United States Post-Affordable Care Act: An Integrative Review. Popul Health Manag. 2022 ;25(2):264-279.
Pharr JR, Chien L-C, Gakh M, Flatt JD, Kittle K, Terry E. Moderating Effect of Community and Individual Resilience on Structural Stigma and Suicidal Ideation among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults in the United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 ;19(21).
