In Their Own Words: How Trans Women Acquired HIV Infection.

TitleIn Their Own Words: How Trans Women Acquired HIV Infection.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsWilson, EC, Hernandez, CJ, Arayasirikul, S, Scheer, S, Trujillo, D, Sicro, S, Turner, CM, McFarland, W
JournalAIDS Behav
Date Published2022 Jun
KeywordsFemale, HIV Infections, Homosexuality, Male, Humans, Male, Prevalence, Sexual and Gender Minorities, Sexual Behavior, Sexual Partners, Transgender Persons

Despite high HIV prevalence, the reasons trans women acquire HIV are not well understood. Trans women are often mis-classified or aggregated with men who have sex with men (MSM) in epidemiologic studies and HIV surveillance data. Trans women enrolled in the 2019/2020 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Study in San Francisco were asked an open-ended question about how they were infected with HIV. The most common responses were "Sex with a straight cisgender man partner when the respondent identified as a trans woman" (43.0%); "Sexual assault" (13.9%); "Injection drug use (IDU)" (10.1%); "IDU or sexual contact" (7.6%) and "Sex with a partner who injected drugs" (7.6%). Sex with a cisgender man partner prior to identifying as a trans women (MSM contact) was not mentioned by any respondent. HIV prevention strategies targeting MSM will fail to reach trans women and many of their cisgender men partners.

Alternate JournalAIDS Behav
PubMed ID35031891
Grant ListNU62PS005077 / CC / CDC HHS / United States
R01MD010678 / NH / NIH HHS / United States
NU62PS005077 / CC / CDC HHS / United States
R01MD010678 / NH / NIH HHS / United States