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Kaki DA, Bridi L, Mwendwa P, Aso M, Behnam R, Bencheikh N, Albahsahli B, Khan X, Aljenabi R, Sideman ABernstein, et al. Attitudes Towards Dementia Among a Diverse Group of Refugees Resettled in the United States. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2025 ;38(2):132-142.
Oswald AG, Cooper L. Addressing Equity and Justice in Age-Friendly Communities: Considerations for LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color. Gerontologist. 2024 ;64(7).
Tsui J, Shin M, Sloan K, Martinez B, Palinkas LA, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Cantor JC, Hudson SV, Crabtree BF. Understanding Clinic and Community Member Experiences with Implementation of Evidence-Based Strategies for HPV Vaccination in Safety-Net Primary Care Settings. Prev Sci. 2024 ;25(Suppl 1):147-162.
Johnson IM. Aging in the downtown corridor: Mapping the neighborhood experiences of Seattle's unhoused adults over age 50. J Aging Stud. 2022 ;60:100997.
Lindau H, Ramos-Gomez F, Garza J, Finlayson T, Pareja M, Liu J, Gansky S. Unexpected benefits of and lessons learned from shifting to virtual focus group discussions in the BEECON trial. BMC Res Notes. 2022 ;15(1):90.
Liu P-J, Neumann A, Radcliffe K, Chodos A. Adult Protective Services Training: Insights from California Caseworkers. J Gerontol Soc Work. 2021 ;64(3):274-290.
Canham SL, Humphries J, Danielsen C, Small S, Bosma H. Design Considerations for the Development and Implementation of a Medical Respite for Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness in Metro Vancouver. Med Care. 2021 ;59(Suppl 2):S146-S153.
Gray M, LaForge K, Livingston CJ, Leichtling G, Choo EK. Experiences of Nonpharmacologic Providers Implementing the Oregon Back Pain Policy Expanding Services for Medicaid Recipients: A Focus Group Study. J Altern Complement Med. 2021 ;27(10):868-875.
Johnson JK, Carpenter T, Goodhart N, Stewart AL, Plessis Ldu, Coaston A, Clark K, Lazar A, Chapline J. Exploring the effects of visual and literary arts interventions on psychosocial well-being of diverse older adults: a mixed methods pilot study. Arts Health. 2021 ;13(3):263-277.
Jarrett SBeckford, Flanagan R, Coriolan A, Harris O, Campbell A, Skyers N. Barriers and facilitators to participation of men who have sex with men and transgender women in HIV research in Jamaica. Cult Health Sex. 2020 ;22(8):887-903.
Kaplan LM, Sudore RL, Cuervo IArellano, Bainto D, Olsen P, Kushel M. Barriers and Solutions to Advance Care Planning among Homeless-Experienced Older Adults. J Palliat Med. 2020 ;23(10):1300-1306.
Portacolone E, Palmer NR, Lichtenberg P, Waters CM, Hill CV, Keiser S, Vest L, Maloof M, Tran T, Martinez P, et al. Earning the Trust of African American Communities to Increase Representation in Dementia Research. Ethn Dis. 2020 ;30(Suppl 2):719-734.
Rosas LG, Nasrallah C, Park VTa, Vasquez JJ, Duron Y, Garrick O, Hattin R, Cho M, David SP, Evans J, et al. Perspectives on Precision Health Among Racial/Ethnic Minority Communities and the Physicians That Serve Them. Ethn Dis. 2020 ;30(Suppl 1):137-148.
Franck LS, McLemore MR, Williams S, Millar K, Gordon AY, Williams S, Woods N, Edwards L, Pacheco T, Padilla A, et al. Research priorities of women at risk for preterm birth: findings and a call to action. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 ;20(1):10.
Stephens CE, Halifax E, David D, Bui N, Lee SJ, Shim J, Ritchie CS. "They Don't Trust Us": The Influence of Perceptions of Inadequate Nursing Home Care on Emergency Department Transfers and the Potential Role for Telehealth. Clin Nurs Res. 2020 ;29(3):157-168.
Edwards BN, McLemore MR, Baltzell K, Hodgkin A, Nunez O, Franck LS. What about the men? Perinatal experiences of men of color whose partners were at risk for preterm birth, a qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 ;20(1):91.
Nicosia FM, Spar MJ, Stebbins M, Sudore RL, Ritchie CS, Lee KP, Rodondi K, Steinman MA. What Is a Medication-Related Problem? A Qualitative Study of Older Adults and Primary Care Clinicians. J Gen Intern Med. 2020 ;35(3):724-731.
H Versey S, Murad S, Willems P, Sanni M. Beyond Housing: Perceptions of Indirect Displacement, Displacement Risk, and Aging Precarity as Challenges to Aging in Place in Gentrifying Cities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 ;16(23).
Canham SL, Wister A, O'Dea E. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to housing first in Metro Vancouver. Eval Program Plann. 2019 ;75:69-77.
Wilson EC, Chen Y-H, Arayasirikul S, Fisher M, W Pomart A, Le V, H Raymond F, McFarland W. Differential HIV risk for racial/ethnic minority trans*female youths and socioeconomic disparities in housing, residential stability, and education. Am J Public Health. 2015 ;105 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):e41-7.