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Sturm G, Karan KR, Monzel AS, Santhanam B, Taivassalo T, Bris C, Ware SA, Cross M, Towheed A, Higgins-Chen A, et al. OxPhos defects cause hypermetabolism and reduce lifespan in cells and in patients with mitochondrial diseases. Commun Biol. 2023 ;6(1):22.
Chambers BD, Arega HA, Arabia SE, Taylor B, Barron RG, Gates B, Scruggs-Leach L, Scott KA, McLemore MR. Black Women's Perspectives on Structural Racism across the Reproductive Lifespan: A Conceptual Framework for Measurement Development. Matern Child Health J. 2021 ;25(3):402-413.
Schwab-Reese LM, Murfree L, Coppola EC, Liu P-J, Hunter AA. Homicide-suicide across the lifespan: a mixed methods examination of factors contributing to older adult perpetration. Aging Ment Health. 2021 ;25(9):1750-1758.
Aronson L. Healthy Aging Across the Stages of Old Age. Clin Geriatr Med. 2020 ;36(4):549-558.
DeJong C, Covinsky K. Inclusion Across the Lifespan in Cardiovascular Trials-A Long Road Ahead. JAMA Intern Med. 2020 ;180(11):1533-1534.