Journal of pain and symptom management

Pain and Emergency Department Use in the Last Month of Life Among Older Adults With Dementia.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Hunt LJ, Ritchie CS, Cataldo JK, Patel K, Stephens CE, Smith AK

Risk Factors Associated With Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea in the Week Before the Next Cycle and Impact of Nausea on Quality of Life Outcomes.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Singh KP, Kober KM, Dhruva AA, Flowers E, Paul SM, Hammer MJ, Cartwright F, Wright F, Conley YP, Levine JD, Miaskowski C

'The Thing that Really Gets Me Is the Future': Symptomatology in Older Homeless Adults in the HOPE HOME Study.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Bazari A, Patanwala M, Kaplan LM, Auerswald CL, Kushel MB

Associations Between Perceived Stress and Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Otoxicity in Adult Cancer Survivors.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Miaskowski C, Paul SM, Mastick J, Abrams G, Topp K, Smoot B, Kober KM, Chesney M, Mazor M, Mausisa G, Schumacher M, Conley YP, Sabes JH, Cheung S, Wallhagen M, Levine JD

California's End of Life Option Act: What Can We Learn from One Year of Legalization? (TH312).

Journal of pain and symptom management

Barbara Koenig, Laura Petrillo, Cindy Cain, Felicia Cohn, Judy Thomas

Characteristics of Older Adults in Primary Care Who May Benefit From Primary Palliative Care in the U.S.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Dudley N, Ritchie CS, Wallhagen MI, Covinsky KE, Cooper BA, Patel K, Stijacic Cenzer I, Chapman SA

What Impact Do Chaplains Have? A Pilot Study of Spiritual AIM for Advanced Cancer Patients in Outpatient Palliative Care.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Kestenbaum A, Shields M, James J, Hocker W, Morgan S, Karve S, Rabow MW, Dunn LB

Addressing Palliative Care Clinician Burnout in Organizations: A Workforce Necessity, an Ethical Imperative.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Harrison KL, Dzeng E, Ritchie CS, Shanafelt TD, Kamal AH, Bull JH, Tilburt JC, Swetz KM

How Should Palliative Care Be Involved in the Response to Physician Assisted Dying in California? Intimately: Perspectives from a Statewide Conference (S795).

Journal of pain and symptom management

Laura Petrillo, Eric Widera, Elizabeth Dzeng, Krista Harrison, Lindsay Forbes, Barbara Koenig, Ben Scribner

High Levels of Geriatric Palliative Care Needs in Hip Fracture Patients Before the Hip Fracture.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Ritchie CS, Kelley AS, Stijacic Cenzer I, Smith AK, Wallhagen ML, Covinsky KE
