Susie Welty
Susie Welty is a Senior Advisor for Business Development in the Institute for Global Health Sciences. She supports cross-collaboration across the Institute and UCSF. She also is the project director for CDC funded Global Health Security work in Latin America and the Middle East and Recent Infection Surveillance for HIV in PEPFAR countries. She has been involved in developing surveillance systems, supporting data use, and identifying innovative solutions to address the most pressing public health problems. She works closely with academic institutions in low and middle income countries to co-create programs and collaborate. She was part of a team that developed a masters program in Health Monitoring and Evaluation at Mzumbe University in Tanzania.
Before coming to UCSF in 2009, Ms. Welty was a Project Manager for Monitoring and Evaluation at the Institute for OneWorld Health where she worked on a Phase IV trial of a drug for visceral leishmaniasis.
After completing her MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley in 2007, she worked for the Harvard School of Public Health in Tanzania as a Study Coordinator for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of multivitamins on HIV/AIDS disease progression. Prior to her graduate studies, she was the Program Manager for the Program on Ethical Issues in International Health Research at the Harvard School of Public Health.
She has an established record of leading research teams to make use of complex routinely collected public health data. She has domain expertise in analytics using innovative social network and modeling methods, managing complex qualitative and quantitative data, data quality, leadership, communicating data findings visually, and problem solving in complex settings. She combines 15 years of experience in statistical analysis and modeling with a deep understanding of health outcomes.