Jae Rouse Iniguez, MA, MS

Associate Dir of Operations
Family Community Medicine
+1 415 476-6138

Jae Rouse Iñiguez, MSHA, MA is a healthcare management expert with over 20 years of professional experience in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. They’ve managed projects with public health departments, academic health center teams, and clinic-based teams in various practice settings. As a Family & Community Medicine Unit Manager they are responsible for administration and operations, contracts, finance, personnel, and HR for all grants awarded to the Training & Health Equity Collaborative administrative unit. They enjoy playing music in local bands, volunteering, organizing social justice work, and spending time with their partner and rescue dogs.


Brief Report: Informing Strategies to Build PrEP Capacity Among San Francisco Bay Area Clinicians.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Bacon O, Gonzalez R, Andrew E, Potter MB, Iñiguez JR, Cohen SE, Liu AY, Fuchs JD

Delegating responsibility from clinicians to nonprofessional personnel: the example of hypertension control.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM

Margolius D, Wong J, Goldman ML, Rouse-Iniguez J, Bodenheimer T