BIPOC experiences of (anti-)racist patient engagement in adolescent and young adult oncology research: an electronic Delphi study.

TitleBIPOC experiences of (anti-)racist patient engagement in adolescent and young adult oncology research: an electronic Delphi study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsCheung, CK, Miller, KA, Goings, TClark, Thomas, BN, Lee, H, Brandon, RE, Katerere-Virima, T, Helbling, LE, Causadias, JM, Roth, ME, Berthaud, FM, Jones, LP, Ross, VA, Betz, GD, Simmons, CD, Carter, J, Davies, SJ, Gilman, ML, Lewis, MA, Lopes, G, Tucker-Seeley, RD
JournalFuture Oncol
Date Published2024 Jan 10

To characterize Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients' experiences of patient engagement in AYA oncology and derive best practices that are co-developed by BIPOC AYAs and oncology professionals. Following a previous call to action from AYA oncology professionals, a panel of experts composed exclusively of BIPOC AYA cancer patients (n = 32) participated in an electronic Delphi study. Emergent themes described BIPOC AYA cancer patients' direct experiences and consensus opinion on recommendations to advance antiracist patient engagement from BIPOC AYA cancer patients and oncology professionals. The findings reveal high-priority practices across all phases of research and are instructional for advancing health equity.

Alternate JournalFuture Oncol
PubMed ID38197386
Grant ListP30 CA008748 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States