Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW

Associate Adjunct Professor
Institute for Health & Aging
+1 415 502-7097

Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, is an Associate Professor in the Institute for Health & Aging, Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences, in the School of Nursing at UCSF. They are a sociologist, gerontologist, and age-friendly cities and health researcher. Their work broadly investigates social justice issues that impact the quality of life of community-dwelling older adults, people living with dementia, and caregivers. They lead the CARING (Community Action Research in Gerontology) Lab, which encompasses a portfolio of community-engaged and interdisciplinary projects that aim to advance health equity in aging, and serve as a co-director of the UCSF Emancipatory Sciences Lab, founded by Dr. Carroll L. Estes. Jarmin is an affiliate faculty member with the UCSF Healthforce Center, UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, UCSF Bioethics, and teaches in the UCSF Master of Science in Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership (MS-HAIL) Program. Prior to joining UCSF, Jarmin worked at The New York Academy of Medicine’s Social Work Leadership Institute, where they managed a national initiative funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation to bolster the social work workforce in aging. They serve on the board of directors for the Metta Fund, Community Living Campaign, California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics, and Head Over Heels Athletic Arts. Jarmin currently lives in San Francisco, California. A retired gymnast and former student-athlete, they still perform the occasional cartwheel.


Reimagining Age-Friendly Communities: Urban Ageing and Spatial Justice edited by Tine Buffel, Patty Doran and Sophie Yarker

Dismantling and Rebuilding Praxis for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: Toward an Emancipatory Approach

Yeh J, Greenfield EA, Plasencia MZ

Anti-Asian Hate and the Health of Older Asian Individuals.

JAMA internal medicine

Li L, Kang J, Ho M, Li AT, Shih JJ, Yeh J, Smith A

"Hate has chipped away at my sense of security": A survey study of the impacts of anti-Asian hate on the health of older Asians.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Li L, Kang J, Nguyen B, Ho M, Li AT, Shih JJ, Kotwal A, Yeh J, Karliner L, Jeung R, Smith A

Handbook on Aging and Place, edited by Malcolm Cutchin and Graham D. Rowles

Aging in Third Places

Finlay J, Cannon M, Meltzer G, Yeh J

"I just can't go back": Challenging Places for Older Americans since the COVID-19 Pandemic Onset.

SSM. Qualitative research in health

Finlay J, Guzman V, Meltzer G, O'Shea B, Yeh J

Building Back Better: Going Big with Emancipatory Sciences.

Journal of aging & social policy

Estes CL, DiCarlo NB, Yeh JC

California's Direct Care Workforce: Who They Are, the Work They Do, and Why It Matters

California's Direct Care Workforce: Who They Are, the Work They Do, and Why It Matters

Hunt L, Yeh J, Fix M

Enhancing Dementia Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of In-Home Supportive Services Caregivers Through Online Training.

Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society

Yeh J, Pond B, Beld M, Garcia A, Mauricio J, Mata-Pacheco J, Eldridge C, Ross L

Building an advocacy model to improve the dementia-capability of health plans in California.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Hollister BA, Yeh J, Ross L, Schlesinger J, Cherry D

Alzheimer's disease and related dementias facts and figures in California: Current status and future projections

Alzheimer's disease and related dementias facts and figures in California: Current status and future projections

Ross L, Beld M, Yeh J

Precarity, USA

Generations Today

Estes C, Yeh J, DiCarlo N.

The Dementia Cal MediConnect Project: Improving dementia care via the California duals demonstration


Hollister, B, Yeh, J, Ross, L, Schlesinger, J, Cherry, D

Generations Can Connect for Empowerment: Five Ways Forward

Aging Today

Yeh J, DiCarlo N, Estes C.

Building Inclusion: Toward an Aging- and Disability-Friendly City.

American journal of public health

Yeh JC, Walsh J, Spensley C, Wallhagen M

Architecture, Materiality and Society edited by Anna-Lisa Muller and Werner Reichman

The lure of restoration: Transforming buildings and bodies for ever-longer life

Yeh J

The safe routes to school program in California: an update.

American journal of public health

Chaufan C, Yeh J, Fox P

Parental views on active commuting and choice of mode of school transport

Journal of Behavioral Health

Chaufan C, Yeh J, Ross L, Fox P

Public markets and community health: An examination

Public markets and community health: An examination

Moon JR, Kraft MK, Brown L, Yeh J