Age-Friendly Community Interventions for Health and Social Outcomes: A Scoping Review.

TitleAge-Friendly Community Interventions for Health and Social Outcomes: A Scoping Review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsHong, A, Welch-Stockton, J, Kim, JYoung, Canham, SL, Greer, V, Sorweid, M
JournalInt J Environ Res Public Health
Date Published2023 Jan 31
KeywordsAging, Cities, Humans

To address the numerous challenges associated with aging, increased attention has been given to the development of age-friendly cities and communities (AFCC) to promote healthy aging and social participation. However, limited evidence exists for addressing both health and social needs through the AFCC framework. We address this gap by conducting a scoping review of the interventions that target both health and social outcomes within the purview of the AFCC framework. The results showed that many of the successful interventions used a partnership model and behavioral change theories to inform the program design and implementation. The results also indicated that social participation and engagement played a key role in making the interventions successful. However, the results revealed that the literature is dominated by person-focused approaches. Future research should focus more on evaluating environmental-focused interventions and develop a holistic framework that combines both person- and environment-based approaches to healthy aging.

Alternate JournalInt J Environ Res Public Health
PubMed ID36767920
PubMed Central IDPMC9915867