"Having a Normal Life": A Qualitative Study on Client Goal-Setting Within a Health Care and Social Needs Navigation Program.

Title"Having a Normal Life": A Qualitative Study on Client Goal-Setting Within a Health Care and Social Needs Navigation Program.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLaForge, K, Wros, P, Bradley, KJ, Beiers-Jones, K
JournalJ Ambul Care Manage
Date Published2021 Jan/Mar
KeywordsCommunity Health Services, Delivery of Health Care, Goals, Humans, Qualitative Research, Social Work

Client goals within healthcare and social needs navigation programs are neither well understood nor incorporated into ambulatory care practices. This study provides a qualitative analysis of client-established goals within the Interprofessional Care Access Network (I-CAN), a community-based health care and social needs navigation program. One hundred eleven client goal lists were analyzed using conventional content analysis. Twenty-two codes were developed and grouped into 4 main categories including Physical/Mental Health, Social/Social Services, Health Care System, and Daily Living. The results of this study offer insight into client goals within health care and social needs navigation programs and provide suggestions for future research.

Alternate JournalJ Ambul Care Manage
PubMed ID32826424