What's Happening at Home: A Claims-based Approach to Better Understand Home Clinical Care Received by Older Adults.

TitleWhat's Happening at Home: A Claims-based Approach to Better Understand Home Clinical Care Received by Older Adults.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHarrison, KL, Leff, B, Altan, A, Dunning, S, Patterson, CR, Ritchie, CS
JournalMed Care
Date Published2020 Apr
KeywordsAged, Female, Health Services Research, Home Care Services, Homebound Persons, Humans, Male, Medicare Part C, Multiple Chronic Conditions, Palliative Care, Primary Health Care, Quality Assurance, Health Care, United States, Vulnerable Populations

BACKGROUND: Home clinical care (HCC) includes home-based medical care (HBMC-medical visits in the home) and skilled home health care (skilled nursing or therapy visits). Over 7 million older adults would benefit from HCC; however, we know surprisingly little about homebound older adults and HCC.

OBJECTIVE: To describe HCC received by older adults using claims data within the OptumLabs Data Warehouse.

RESEARCH DESIGN: Using administrative claims data for commercial and Medicare Advantage enrollees, we describe morbidity profiles, health service use, and care coordination (operationalized as care plan oversight [CPO]) for people receiving HCC and the subgroup receiving HBMC.

PARTICIPANTS: Three million adults (3,027,247) age ≥65 with 12 months of continuous enrollment 2013-2014.

MEASURES: CPT or HCPCS codes delineated HCC, HBMC, and CPO recipients and care site, frequency, and provider type. Other measures included demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, and health care utilization.

RESULTS: Overall, 5% of the study population (n=161,801) received 2+ months of HCC visits; of these, 46% also received 2+ HBMC visits (n=73,638) while 54% received only skilled home health (n=88,163 HCC but no HBMC). HBMC-recipients had high comorbidity burden (Charlson score 4.3), dementia (35%), and ambulance trips (58%), but few nursing facility admissions (4.9%). Evidence of care coordination (CPO claims) occurred in 30% of the HCC population, 46% of HBMC, and 17% of the skilled home health care only.

CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 1 of 20 older adults in this study received HCC; 30% or less have a claim for care coordination by their primary care provider.

Alternate JournalMed Care
PubMed ID31876645
PubMed Central IDPMC7071951
Grant ListKL2 TR001870 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
K01 AG059831 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
T32 AG000212 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
L30 AG060590 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG044281 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States