Wendy Hulko, PhD, MSW, BA(hon)

Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops British Columbia

Dr. Wendy Hulko is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at Thompson Rivers University, in Kamloops, British Columbia, who has worked with older adults for 30 years as a care aide, hospital social worker, government policy advisor, educator, and researcher. She holds a BAHon in Sociology and Spanish (Trent University), Master of Social Work (University of Toronto), and PhD in Sociology and Social Policy (University of Stirling) and is affiliated with the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia at the University of British Columbia and the Critical Dementia Studies Network. As an activist-academic and settler accomplice, Wendy conducts interdisciplinary research on aging, dementia, and health care with equity-denied groups, including Secwepemc Elders, racialized older adults, sexual and gender minorities, and rural residents, and often works in partnership with practitioners and decision-makers. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and edited books and is co-editor of Indigenous Peoples and Dementia: New Understandings of Memory Loss and Memory Care, published by UBC Press in 2019 and co-author of the 2020 Routledge Press book Gerontological Social Work in Action: Anti-oppressive Practice with Older Adults, Their Families, and Communities.


aging, anti-oppression gerontology, critical dementia studies (views, care, policy), intersectionality, health care (restructuring, service user views, cultural safety), mixed methods, queer theory
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