"We Have a Long Way to Go:" A Case Study Examination of Older Women Veterans' Experiences in VA Primary Care.

Title"We Have a Long Way to Go:" A Case Study Examination of Older Women Veterans' Experiences in VA Primary Care.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSilvestrini, M, Nicosia, F, Spar, MJ, Gibson, CJ, Brown, RT
Date Published2020 Jan-Dec
KeywordsAged, Aging, Delivery of Health Care, Female, Health Care Surveys, Hospitals, Veterans, Humans, Interviews as Topic, Mental Disorders, Primary Health Care, Qualitative Research, Sex Factors, United States, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans, Women's Health

Women Veterans are a growing population with complex care needs. While previous research has examined the experiences of women Veterans, little attention has been paid to the specific experiences of older women Veterans. These case studies present the experiences of 2 older women Veterans who have been enrolled in Veterans Affairs (VA) health care for several decades. Results suggest that these older women Veterans have faced gender-specific challenges and barriers throughout their time accessing VA care. The experiences of these participants suggest that they have gender-sensitive needs that are not always addressed by VA primary care and that women's groups are important mechanisms by which they have gained psychological support in a gender-sensitive environment. These cases suggest that access to gender-sensitive services and women-centered spaces are important for these 2 older women Veterans and should be explored in future research.

Alternate JournalInquiry
PubMed ID32525421
PubMed Central IDPMC7290258
Grant ListK23 AG045290 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
KL2 TR000143 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
K76 AG057016 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
IP1 HX002002 / HX / HSRD VA / United States
P30 AG044281 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States