Urban Agriculture as a Means to Food Sovereignty? A Case Study of Baltimore City Residents.

TitleUrban Agriculture as a Means to Food Sovereignty? A Case Study of Baltimore City Residents.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsColson-Fearon, B, H Versey, S
JournalInt J Environ Res Public Health
Date Published2022 Oct 05
KeywordsAgriculture, Baltimore, COVID-19, Food Insecurity, Food Supply, Humans, Pandemics

A large body of research suggests that neighborhood disparities in food access persist. Emerging evidence suggests that the global COVID-19 pandemic likely exacerbated disparities in food access. Given the potential role that alternative food networks (AFNs) and local food sources may play during times of extreme scarcity, this study examines urban agriculture (e.g., community farms and gardens) as a sustainable strategy to address food insecurity. In-depth qualitative interviews with fifteen community stakeholders revealed several major themes including food insecurity as a feature of systemic racism, food affordability and distance to food as major barriers to food security, and the role of AFNs in creating community empowerment. Our findings indicate that urban agricultural practices help build social capital, inform and educate community members about healthy eating behaviors, and facilitate the distribution of affordable food. Implications for future research and policy targeting sustainable food distribution in marginalized communities of color are discussed.

Alternate JournalInt J Environ Res Public Health
PubMed ID36232052
PubMed Central IDPMC9566707