Studying social change in human lives: a conversation.

TitleStudying social change in human lives: a conversation.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsSettersten, RA, Dannefer, D, Elder, GH, Mortimer, JT, Kelley, JA
JournalLongit Life Course Stud
Date Published2023 Dec 04
KeywordsHumans, Life Change Events, Social Change

This commentary reinforces a central commitment of life course research: to make visible how social change matters in human lives. This paper captures a moderated conversation with four senior scholars about how they came to study the intersection between social change and life experience, why this intersection is so important to life course studies, and theoretical and methodological imperatives and challenges that come with it.

Alternate JournalLongit Life Course Stud
PubMed ID38174546