Screen-related discord and dismay in low-income Mexican American families with toddlers: A qualitative study.

TitleScreen-related discord and dismay in low-income Mexican American families with toddlers: A qualitative study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsThompson, DA, Tschann, JM, Jimenez-Zambrano, AM, Martinez, SM, Reyes, GA, Solis, GA, Clark, L
JournalJ Pediatr Nurs
Date Published2023 Jan-Feb
KeywordsChild, Preschool, Female, Humans, Mexican Americans, Mothers, Parenting, Parents, Poverty, Qualitative Research

PURPOSE: Understanding parental experiences with managing their toddler's screen use is important to inform the design of interventions addressing early childhood screen use, yet current evidence is limited. To enhance our understanding of the context of toddler screen use, this study characterizes the screen-related discord and dismay parents experience in families with toddlers.

DESIGN AND METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted to explore everyday experiences with screen use among low-income Mexican American caregivers of toddlers (21 mothers, 10 fathers, 1 grandmother). Transcripts were content analyzed to identify prominent themes.

RESULTS: Three themes were identified. Experiences of screen-related discord and dismay arose (1) between parent and child, (2) between parents, and (3) surfaced as parental internal dissonance about toddler screen use. Parent-child discord resulted from parental limit setting and child reactions to parental screen use, which often included tantrums. Parent-partner discord included patterns of agreeing to disagree and direct disagreement between partners. Parents also reported their own feelings of ambivalence and dismay as they struggled to reconcile their preferences against their toddler's actual screen use, while living in a screen-saturated world.

CONCLUSIONS: Findings offer insight into types of screen-related discord and dismay low-income Mexican American parents experience as they attempt to manage their toddler's screen use.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Although discord in families is normal, the screen-specific discord reported by participants warrants consideration in efforts promoting healthy screen use in families. Providers can tailor their counseling to consider the range of screen-related discord families of toddlers may experience.

Alternate JournalJ Pediatr Nurs
PubMed ID36396565
PubMed Central IDPMC10168647
Grant ListR01 NR017605 / NR / NINR NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR002535 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States