Recommendations to Deliver Person-Centered Long-Term Care for Persons Living With Dementia.

TitleRecommendations to Deliver Person-Centered Long-Term Care for Persons Living With Dementia.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWagner, LM, Van Haitsma, K, Kolanowski, A, Spetz, J
JournalJ Am Med Dir Assoc
Date Published2021 Jul
KeywordsDementia, Humans, Long-Term Care, Patient-Centered Care, Self Care

Person-centered care (PCC) is the standard for the delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS). In this article, we summarize the state of the science on meaningful outcomes and workforce development and discuss what is needed to ensure that person-centered LTSS becomes a universal reality. These 2 themes are intimately related: the dementia care workforce's capacity cannot be improved until care processes and outcomes that are significant to PCC are explicated. The LTSS workforce needs training in PCC as well as pragmatic measures to assess the quality of the care they provide. We conclude with several recommendations for future policy and practice-oriented workforce research.

Alternate JournalJ Am Med Dir Assoc
PubMed ID34044010
PubMed Central IDPMC8996758
Grant ListT42 OH008429 / OH / NIOSH CDC HHS / United States
U54 AG063546 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States