Psychological stress is associated with arterial inflammation in people living with treated HIV infection.

TitlePsychological stress is associated with arterial inflammation in people living with treated HIV infection.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsChow, FC, Mundada, NS, Abohashem, S, La Joie, R, Iaccarino, L, Arechiga, VM, Swaminathan, S, Rabinovici, GD, Epel, ES, Tawakol, A, Hsue, PY
JournalBrain Behav Immun
Date Published2023 Oct
KeywordsArteritis, Atherosclerosis, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Fluorodeoxyglucose F18, HIV Infections, Humans, Inflammation, Male, Middle Aged, Stress, Psychological

Stress and depression are increasingly recognized as cerebrovascular risk factors, including among high stress populations such as people living with HIV infection (PLWH). Stress may contribute to stroke risk through activation of neural inflammatory pathways. In this cross-sectional study, we examined the relationships between stress, systemic and arterial inflammation, and metabolic activity in stress-related brain regions on F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET in PLWH. Participants were recruited from a parent trial evaluating the impact of alirocumab on radiologic markers of cardiovascular risk in people with treated HIV infection. We administered a stress battery to assess different forms of psychological stress, specifying the Perceived Stress Scale as the primary stress measure, and quantified plasma markers of inflammation and immune activation. Participants underwent FDG-PET of the brain, neck, and chest. Age- and sex-matched control participants without HIV infection were selected for brain FDG-PET comparisons. Among PLWH, we used nonparametric pairwise correlations, partial correlations, and linear regression to investigate the association between stress and 1) systemic inflammation; 2) atherosclerotic inflammation on FDG-PET; and metabolic activity in 3) brain regions in which glucose metabolism differed significantly by HIV serostatus; and 4) in a priori defined stress-responsive regions of interest (ROI) and stress-related neural network activity (i.e., ratio of amygdala to ventromedial prefrontal cortex or temporal lobe activity). We studied 37 PLWH (mean age 60 years, 97% men) and 29 control participants without HIV (mean age 62 years, 97% men). Among PLWH, stress was significantly correlated with systemic inflammation (r = 0.33, p = 0.041) and arterial inflammation in the carotid (r = 0.41, p = 0.023) independent of age, race/ethnicity, traditional vascular risk factors and health-related behaviors. In voxel-wise analyses, metabolic activity in a cluster corresponding to the anterior medial temporal lobes, including the bilateral amygdalae, was significantly lower in PLWH compared with controls. However, we did not find a significant positive relationship between stress and this cluster of decreased metabolic activity in PLWH, a priori defined stress-responsive ROI, or stress-related neural network activity. In conclusion, psychological stress was associated with systemic and carotid arterial inflammation in this group of PLWH with treated infection. These data provide preliminary evidence for a link between psychological stress, inflammation, and atherosclerosis as potential drivers of excess cerebrovascular risk among PLWH.

Alternate JournalBrain Behav Immun
PubMed ID37369339
Grant ListK23 NS105575 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
K24 AI112393 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States