Prevalence and Correlates of Violence Experienced by Trans Women.

TitlePrevalence and Correlates of Violence Experienced by Trans Women.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsJackson, A, Hernandez, C, Scheer, S, Sicro, S, Trujillo, D, Arayasirikul, S, McFarland, W, Wilson, EC
JournalJ Womens Health (Larchmt)
Date Published2022 May
KeywordsFemale, Humans, Intimate Partner Violence, Prevalence, Sex Offenses, Sexual Behavior, Sexual Partners, Violence

To measure the prevalence and correlates of intimate partner, physical, and sexual violence experienced by trans women. A National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) Study of 201 trans women was conducted in San Francisco from July 2019 to February 2020 using respondent-driven sampling. Prevalence ratio tests were used to test differences in the prevalence of violence by demographic characteristics including housing status. Among 201 trans women interviewed, 26.9% were currently homeless. In the past year, 59.7% had been homeless, 34.3% changed housing, 60.7% had a housing situation other than renting or owning. Experiences of violence were common: 36.8% experienced any form of violence, including sexual (16.9%), intimate partner (14.9%), and other physical (25.4%) in the past year. Experiences of violence were significantly associated with multiple measures of housing insecurity. Younger age, being misgendered, and substance use were also associated with experiences of violence. Trans women face dual crises in housing and violence. Affordable, subsidized, and safe housing has the potential to reduce the exposure and vulnerability to violence faced by trans women.

Alternate JournalJ Womens Health (Larchmt)
PubMed ID35576131
Grant ListU62 PS005077 / PS / NCHHSTP CDC HHS / United States