Maya Rockeymoore-Cummings, PhD

Founder & CEO, Global Policy Solutions

Dr. Maya Michelle Rockeymoore Cummings is strategist, speaker, author, consultant, and former chair of the Maryland Democratic Party in the United States. She ran for Congress in Maryland's 7th District in 2020 and briefly ran for Governor of Maryland in 2017. Maya is an expert in diversity, equity and inclusion strategies across the areas of health, education and economic security. She owns Global Policy Solutions, a social change strategy firm. Maya earned her Ph.D. and M.A. in political science with an emphasis in public policy from Purdue University and her B.A. in political science from Prairie View A&M University.


policy, public policy, equity, race, gender, wealth, health, education, income, technology, disparities, research, advocacy, liberation, racism, economic, economic security, programs, inclusion, diversity
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