Life Course Pathways From Childhood Socioeconomic Status to Later-Life Cognition: Evidence From the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.

TitleLife Course Pathways From Childhood Socioeconomic Status to Later-Life Cognition: Evidence From the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsGreenfield, EA, Moorman, S, Rieger, A
JournalJ Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
Date Published2021 Jun 14
KeywordsAged, Aging, Cognition, Executive Function, Female, Health Status Disparities, Healthcare Disparities, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Social Class, Wisconsin

OBJECTIVES: A growing body of research indicates that older adults are at greater risk for poorer cognition if they experienced low socioeconomic status (SES) as children. Guided by life course epidemiology, this study aimed to advance understanding of processes through which childhood SES influences cognition decades later, with attention to the role of scholastic performance in adolescence and SES in midlife.

METHOD: We used data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS), which has followed a cohort of high school graduates since they were 18 years old in 1957. Childhood SES was measured prospectively in adolescence, and measures of memory and language/executive functioning were based on neurocognitive assessments at age 72. We used participants' scores on a statewide standardized test in high school as an indicator of scholastic performance in adolescence. The measure of SES in midlife included years of postsecondary education, income, and occupation status at age 53.

RESULTS: Findings from structural equation models indicated that scholastic performance in adolescence and midlife status attainment together fully mediated associations between childhood SES and both memory and language/executive functioning at age 72. Adolescent scholastic performance was directly associated with later-life cognition, as well as indirectly through midlife status attainment.

DISCUSSION: Findings provide support for both latency and social pathway processes when considering how SES in childhood influences later-life cognition. Results contribute to growing calls for social policies and programs to support optimal brain health at multiple phases throughout the life course, especially among individuals with lower SES as children.

Alternate JournalJ Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
PubMed ID32369603
PubMed Central IDPMC8200350
Grant ListR01 AG057491 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States