Jacqueline Angel, PhD

Wilbur J. Cohen Professor of Health and Social Policy, University of Texas at Austin

My research examines health and retirement issues, with a focus on Latino aging, family, immigration processes, and community-based long-term care systems. Over the last three decades I have been involved in the NIH/NIA H-EPESE, the first large-scale investigation of the longitudinal health and well being of older Mexican Americans in the Southwestern United States, and since 2005 Principal Investigator of the Conference Series on Aging in the Americas (CAA). I am author/coauthor/co-editor of 80 journal articles, 30 book chapters, and 12 books. Some of her recent publications include: Understanding the Context of Cognitive Aging: Mexico and the United States (2021); “Optimizing Dementia Care for Mexicans and for Mexican-Origin U.S. Residents” (The Gerontologist, 2021); “Medicaid Use among Older Low-Income Medicare Enrollees in California and Texas: A Tale of Two States” (Journal of Health Politics, Policy and the Law, 2019). I am currently a Fellow of the Behavioral and Social Sciences section of The Gerontological Society of America (GSA).


aging, health, and retirement, inequality, immigration (Mexico), demographic methods
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