How to supplement Social Security fairly and effectively.

TitleHow to supplement Social Security fairly and effectively.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGhilarducci, T
JournalJ Aging Soc Policy
Date Published2010 Apr
KeywordsAged, Humans, Income, Pensions, Politics, Retirement, Social Security, Taxes, United States

Over the past 3 decades, the base upon which Americans obtain income for retirement has become increasingly tied to fluctuations in the financial markets. Because Social Security provides a small percentage of pre-retirement income in retirement, most of the nation's workers need a supplement to Social Security. This study demonstrates the failure of the 401(k) system and advances a bold, but realistic, solution to America's crumbling retirement system: guaranteed retirement accounts (GRAs), a universal government program that supplements Social Security by providing guaranteed rates of return, by locking up balances until retirement, and by mandating annuities at retirement-with survivor's benefits. The GRA plan is compared to other proposals, including President Obama's, which aims to expand the voluntary, commercial, individually directed account-based system.

Alternate JournalJ Aging Soc Policy
PubMed ID20390723