Geriatric conditions and healthcare utilisation in older adults living with HIV.

TitleGeriatric conditions and healthcare utilisation in older adults living with HIV.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsGreene, M, Shi, Y, Boscardin, J, Sudore, R, Gandhi, M, Covinsky, K
JournalAge Ageing
Date Published2022 May 01
KeywordsActivities of Daily Living, Aged, Female, Geriatric Assessment, HIV Infections, Humans, Male, Patient Acceptance of Health Care

BACKGROUND: older HIV-positive adults experience a significant burden of geriatric conditions. However, little is known about the association between geriatric conditions and healthcare utilisation in this population.

SETTING: outpatient safety-net HIV clinic in San Francisco.

METHODS: in 2013, HIV-positive adults ≥50 years of age underwent geriatric assessment including functional impairment, fall(s)in past year, cognitive impairment (MOCA <26) and low social support (Lubben social network scale ≤12). We reviewed medical records from 2013 through 2017 to capture healthcare utilisation (emergency room (ER) visits and hospitalisations) and used Poisson models to examine the association between geriatric conditions and utilisation events over 4 years.

RESULTS: among 192 participants, 81% were male, 51% were white, the median age was 56 (range 50-74), and the median CD4 count was 508 (IQR 338-688) cells/mm3. Sixteen percent of participants had ≥1 activities of daily living (ADL) dependency, 58% had ≥1 instrumental activities of daily living IADL dependency, 43% reported ≥1 falls, 31% had cognitive impairment, and 58% had low social support. Over 4 years, 90 participants (46%) had ≥1 ER visit (total of 289 ER visits), 39 (20%) had ≥1 hospitalisation (total of 68 hospitalisations), and 15 (8%) died. In unadjusted and adjusted analyses, IADL dependency and falls were associated with healthcare utilisation (adjusted incidence rate ratios IADL (95%CI): 1.73 (1.33-2.25); falls: 1.51 (1.21-1.87)).

CONCLUSION: IADL dependency and history of falls were associated with healthcare utilisation among older HIV-positive adults. Although our results are limited by sample size, improved understanding of the association between geriatric conditions and healthcare utilisation could build support for geriatric HIV care models.

Alternate JournalAge Ageing
PubMed ID35511728
PubMed Central IDPMC9271234
Grant ListK24 AG054415 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
K76 AG064545 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R03 AG056341 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States