Flortaucipir tau PET findings from former professional and college American football players in the DIAGNOSE CTE research project.

TitleFlortaucipir tau PET findings from former professional and college American football players in the DIAGNOSE CTE research project.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsSu, Y, Protas, H, Luo, J, Chen, K, Alosco, ML, Adler, CH, Balcer, LJ, Bernick, C, Au, R, Banks, SJ, Barr, WB, Coleman, MJ, Dodick, DW, Katz, DI, Marek, KL, McClean, MD, McKee, AC, Mez, J, Daneshvar, DH, Palmisano, JN, Peskind, ER, Turner, RW, Wethe, JV, Rabinovici, G, Johnson, K, Tripodis, Y, Cummings, JL, Shenton, ME, Stern, RA, Reiman, EM
Corporate Authors
JournalAlzheimers Dement
Date Published2024 Mar
KeywordsBrain Injuries, Traumatic, Carbolines, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, Football, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Positron-Emission Tomography, tau Proteins

INTRODUCTION: Tau is a key pathology in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Here, we report our findings in tau positron emission tomography (PET) measurements from the DIAGNOSE CTE Research Project.

METHOD: We compare flortaucipir PET measures from 104 former professional players (PRO), 58 former college football players (COL), and 56 same-age men without exposure to repetitive head impacts (RHI) or traumatic brain injury (unexposed [UE]); characterize their associations with RHI exposure; and compare players who did or did not meet diagnostic criteria for traumatic encephalopathy syndrome (TES).

RESULTS: Significantly elevated flortaucipir uptake was observed in former football players (PRO+COL) in prespecified regions (p < 0.05). Association between regional flortaucipir uptake and estimated cumulative head impact exposure was only observed in the superior frontal region in former players over 60 years old. Flortaucipir PET was not able to differentiate TES groups.

DISCUSSION: Additional studies are needed to further understand tau pathology in CTE and other individuals with a history of RHI.

Alternate JournalAlzheimers Dement
PubMed ID38134231
PubMed Central IDPMC10984430
Grant ListU01 NS093334 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
P20 GM109025 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
RF1 AG062348 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG072978 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG072980 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
P30 AG062429 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States