Evaluation of HIV infection in febrile patients visiting health centers in Lagos, Nigeria.

TitleEvaluation of HIV infection in febrile patients visiting health centers in Lagos, Nigeria.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAkinnusi, OO, Bello, AJ, Adeleye, IA, Nutor, JJohn
JournalBMC Res Notes
Date Published2022 Feb 19
KeywordsCross-Sectional Studies, Female, Fever, HIV Infections, Humans, Malaria, Male, Nigeria, Prevalence

OBJECTIVE: Acute febrile infections compatible with malaria are the most prevalent presentation at sub-Saharan African health clinics, accounting for 30-50% of outpatient visits. Acute human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection can mimic acute malaria symptoms. As a result, screening people with malaria symptoms for HIV infection is critical. The goal of our study was to find out how common HIV infection was among feverish patients.

RESULTS: Out of the 310 individuals screened, 9 (3.0%) had HIV-1 infection, with 5 (55.5%) being females and 4 (44.4%) being males. This study found no evidence of HIV-2 infection or HIV-1/HIV-2 co-infection. HIV infection was found in 1-3% of patients with probable malaria at different sites in Lagos, Nigeria.

Alternate JournalBMC Res Notes
PubMed ID35183247
PubMed Central IDPMC8858461