Camilla Lewis is a senior lecturer in Architectural Studies at the University of Manchester. Camilla completed a PhD in social anthropology at the University of Manchester in 2014. Her research centres on the themes of urban change, inequalities, ageing, housing, belonging and community with a strong methodological focus, spanning a variety of ethnographic, sensory as well as longitudinal approaches. Camilla’s publications have provided theoretical analyses on the everyday experiences of inequalities in urban environments and also practical suggestions for how to tackle marginalisation in socially excluded groups. Camilla has recently co-authored a monograph entitled COVID-19, Inequality and Older People: Everyday Life During the Pandemic with Policy Press in 2023. Camilla is a member of the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group and the Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives both at the University of Manchester.
FACULTY Profile MANCHESTER URBAN AGEING RESEARCH GROUP Morgan Centre for Research into Everyday Lives