Ageism and Its Impact on Information and Communications Technology Usage and Design

TitleAgeism and Its Impact on Information and Communications Technology Usage and Design
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsNguyen, K
Journal2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference
Date Published10/2022
KeywordsAgeism, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model, Digital Divide, older adults, relative deprivation theory, social connection, Social Isolation, technology adoption, technology competence, technology readiness and acceptance model

This study sought to understand how adults 65 years and older use Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the barriers and difficulties they experience when using ICT, and how ICT could be improved for older adults. ICT is a vast field, and for this study, ICT was limited to broadband internet, laptop or desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets. A convenience sampling approach was used to identify study participants. Data were gathered in 2021 through 15 qualitative interviews with adults ranging in age from 65 to 87; all resided in the United States. Interviews were conducted via phone and video conferencing technology. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model was the overarching conceptual framework used to understand system influences that help explain older adults’ relationship with ICT and how this may change over time due to environmental forces and factors. Other models and theories considered in this study were the relative deprivation theory and the technology readiness and acceptance model.
