Advancing health equity through a theoretically critical implementation science.

TitleAdvancing health equity through a theoretically critical implementation science.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSnell-Rood, C, Jaramillo, ETrott, Hamilton, AB, Raskin, SE, Nicosia, FM, Willging, C
JournalTransl Behav Med
Date Published2021 Aug 13
KeywordsHealth Equity, Humans, Implementation Science, Research Personnel

While implementation science is driven by theory, most implementation science theories, models, and frameworks (TMF) do not address issues of power, inequality, and reflexivity that are pivotal to achieving health equity. Theories used in anthropology address these issues effectively and could complement prevailing implementation science theories and constructs. We propose three broad areas of theory that complement and extend existing TMF in implementation science to advance health equity. First, theories of postcoloniality and reflexivity foreground attention to the role of power in knowledge production and to the ways that researchers and interventionists may perpetuate the inequalities shaping health. Second, theories of structural violence and intersectionality can help us to better understand the unequal burden of health disparities in the population, thereby encouraging researchers to think beyond single interventions to initiate partnerships that can impact overlapping health vulnerabilities and influence the upstream causes of vulnerability. Finally, theories of policy and governance encourage us to examine the social-political forces of the "outer context" crucial for implementation and sustainability. The incorporation of critical theories could enhance implementation science and foster necessary reflexivity among implementation scientists. We contend that a theoretically critical implementation science will promote better science and, more importantly, support progress toward health equity.

Alternate JournalTransl Behav Med
PubMed ID33904908
PubMed Central IDPMC8367016
Grant ListU01 HL142109 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States