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Possin KL, Dulaney S, Sideman AB, Wood AJ, I Allen E, Bonasera SJ, Merrilees JJ, Lee K, Chiong W, Braley TL, et al. Long-term effects of collaborative dementia care on quality of life and caregiver well-being. Alzheimers Dement. 2025 ;21(1):e14370.
Michalowsky B, Blotenberg I, Platen M, Teipel S, Kilimann I, Portacolone E, Bohlken J, Rädke A, Buchholz M, Scharf A, et al. Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Collaborative Dementia Care: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 ;7(7):e2419282.
Nwakasi C, Esiaka D, Chinelo N, Ahmed S. How will I live this life that I'm trying to save? Being a female breast cancer survivor in Nigeria. Ethn Health. 2024 ;29(2):147-163.
Joshi P, Hendrie K, Jester DJ, Dasarathy D, Lavretsky H, Ku BS, Leutwyler H, Torous J, Jeste DV, Tampi RR. Social connections as determinants of cognitive health and as targets for social interventions in persons with or at risk of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders: a scoping review. Int Psychogeriatr. 2024 ;36(2):92-118.
Miaskowski C, Mastick J, Paul S, Wallhagen M, Abrams G, Levine JD. Associations among hearing loss, multiple co-occurring symptoms, and quality of life outcomes in cancer survivors. J Cancer Surviv. 2023 ;17(1):59-68.
Sauceda JA, Dubé K, Harris O, Campbell CK, Ndukwe S, Saberi P. Brief Report: The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical, Social, and Mental Health of Black and Latinx Young People With HIV in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 ;93(3):187-190.
Siegel EO, Kolanowski AM, Bowers BJ. A Fresh Look at the Nursing Home Workforce Crisis: Transforming Nursing Care Delivery Models. Res Gerontol Nurs. 2023 ;16(1):5-13.
Nicosia FM, Zamora K, Rizzo A, Spar MJ, Silvestrini M, Brown RT. Using multiple qualitative methods to inform intervention development: Improving functional status measurement for older veterans in primary care settings. PLoS One. 2023 ;18(8):e0290741.
Xu E, Nicosia FM, Zamora K, Barrientos M, Spar MJ, Reyes-Farias D, Karliner LS, Potter MB, Brown RT. When Functional Impairment Develops Early: Perspectives from Middle-Aged Adults. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 ;38(1):90-97.
Starr LT, Bullock K, Washington K, Aryal S, Oliver DParker, Demiris G. Anxiety, Depression, Quality of Life, Caregiver Burden, and Perceptions of Caregiver-Centered Communication among Black and White Hospice Family Caregivers. J Palliat Med. 2022 ;25(4):596-605.
Anderson JG, Tree JMJabson, Flatt JD, Gross AL, Williams IC, Rose KM. A Comparative Analysis of Family Quality of Life Between Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Caregivers of People with Dementia. J Appl Gerontol. 2022 ;41(6):1576-1584.
Lee S, Allison T, O'Neill D, Punch P, Helitzer E, Moss H. Integrative review of singing and music interventions for family carers of people living with dementia. Health Promot Int. 2022 ;37(Supplement_1):i49-i61.
Allison TA, Gubner JM, Oh A, Harrison KL, Pham K, Barnes DE, Johnson JK, Covinsky KE, Smith AK. Meaningful Activities and Sources of Meaning for Community-Dwelling People Living with Dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 ;23(7):1191-1196.e1.
Husson O, Reeve BB, Darlington A-S, Cheung CK, Sodergren S, van der Graaf WTA, Salsman JM. Next Step for Global Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology: A Core Patient-Centered Outcome Set. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022 ;114(4):496-502.
Miller MJ, Cenzer I, Barnes DE, Covinsky KE. Physical inactivity in older adults with cognitive impairment without dementia: room for improvement. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022 ;34(4):837-845.
Pentikäinen E, Pitkäniemi A, Siponkoski S-T, Jansson M, Louhivuori J, Johnson JK, Paajanen T, Särkämö T. Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study. PLoS One. 2021 ;16(2):e0245666.
Anderson JG, Flatt JD, Tree JMJabson, Gross AL, Rose KM. Characteristics of Sexual and Gender Minority Caregivers of People With Dementia. J Aging Health. 2021 ;33(10):838-851.
Morey JR, Jiang S, Klein S, Max W, Masharani U, Fleischmann KE, Hunink MGMyriam, Ferket BS. Estimating Long-Term Health Utility Scores and Expenditures for Cardiovascular Disease From the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 ;14(4):e006769.
Johnson JK, Carpenter T, Goodhart N, Stewart AL, Plessis Ldu, Coaston A, Clark K, Lazar A, Chapline J. Exploring the effects of visual and literary arts interventions on psychosocial well-being of diverse older adults: a mixed methods pilot study. Arts Health. 2021 ;13(3):263-277.
Akram A, Nicosia F, Lee J, Lee M, Martin L, Martinez S, Ordoñez C, Woo M, Barnes DE. Implementation of an integrative movement program for residents with dementia in a VA nursing home. BMC Geriatr. 2021 ;21(1):607.
Nicosia FM, Kaul B, Totten AM, Silvestrini MC, Williams K, Whooley MA, Sarmiento KF. Leveraging Telehealth to improve access to care: a qualitative evaluation of Veterans' experience with the VA TeleSleep program. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 ;21(1):77.
Muench U, Spetz J, Jura M, Harrington C. Racial Disparities in Financial Security, Work and Leisure Activities, and Quality of Life Among the Direct Care Workforce. Gerontologist. 2021 ;61(6):838-850.
Gaiser MG, Buche JL, Wayment CC, Schoebel V, Smith JE, Chapman SA, Beck AJ. A Systematic Review of the Roles and Contributions of Peer Providers in the Behavioral Health Workforce. Am J Prev Med. 2021 ;61(4):e203-e210.
Bowers BJ, Chu CH, Wu B, Thompson RA, Lepore MJ, Leung AYM, Brunkert T, Sharew NT, Yamamoto-Mitani N, Mateos JT, et al. What COVID-19 Innovations Can Teach Us About Improving Quality of Life in Long-Term Care. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021 ;22(5):929-932.
Prattley J, Buffel T, Marshall A, Nazroo J. Area effects on the level and development of social exclusion in later life. Soc Sci Med. 2020 ;246:112722.
